
The Mesh system launches multiple meshing and geometry applications, allowing you to create and/or open geometry or mesh files.

To work through a Mesh, add it to the Project Schematic using any of these methods:

  • Double-click the Mesh component system template in the Toolbox.

  • Drag-and-drop the Mesh component system template onto the Project Schematic.

  • Drag-and-drop a .meshdat or .cmdb file from Windows Explorer onto the Project Schematic.

  • From the menu bar, select File > Import or click the Import button and select a .meshdat or .cmdb file.

Mesh Context Menu Options

For standard context menu options, see System Header Context Menu Options and Geometry. The following table describes the context menu actions specific to the Mesh system.

Menu ItemDescription
System Header
Replace With > Mechanical ModelReplaces the Mesh component system with a Mechanical Model component system.
Mesh Cell
EditOpens the Meshing application and loads an existing geometry or mesh file.
Import Mesh FileImports read-only meshes for downstream application use. For more information see Importing Read-only Meshes for Downstream Application Use
DuplicateDuplicates the Mesh system. The Geometry cell is shared, and all data associated with the Mesh cell is copied to the second system.
Transfer Data To NewTransfers a mesh into one of the following downstream systems:
  • Autodyn: Inserts a downstream Autodyn system and generates a data transfer connection (.cmdb file) from the Mesh cell to the Setup cell of the Autodyn system.

  • CFX: Inserts a downstream CFX system and generates a data transfer connection (.cmdb file) from the Mesh cell to the Setup cell of the CFX system.

  • External Model: Inserts a downstream External Model system and generates a data transfer connection (.cmdb file) from the Mesh cell to the Model cell of the External Modelsystem.

  • Forte: Inserts a downstream Forte system and generates a data transfer connection (.msh file) from the Mesh cell to the Setup cell of the Forte system.

  • Mechanical APDL: Inserts a downstream Mechanical APDL system and generates a data transfer connection (.inp file) from the Mesh cell to the Analysis cell of the Mechanical APDL system.

  • Polyflow Classic: Inserts a downstream Polyflow Classic system and generates a data transfer connection (.poly file) from the Mesh cell to the Setup cell of the Polyflow Classic system.

Mesh-to-Mesh Connections

Multiple Mesh component systems can be merged together by creating a connection between the Mesh cells of each component system. This allows you to build up more complicated meshes from smaller, simpler meshes.

For every upstream Mesh cell connected to a downstream Mesh cell, a new set of properties called Transfer Settings for [Mesh component name] appears in the Properties pane of the downstream Mesh cell. In the above example, with two upstream Mesh components connected to single, downstream Mesh component, the Properties pane of the downstream Mesh (cell B3) has two new groups of properties.

Similarly, a Renumber Mesh Nodes and Elements Automatically property appears for each transfer. This property in the downstream mesh cell controls whether mesh nodes and elements are automatically renumbered to prevent conflicts. You can set the Renumber Mesh Nodes and Elements Automatically property on a transfer-by-transfer basis. By default, automatic renumbering occurs but you can disable the property for as many of the transfers as you want—as long as their element numbers do not conflict downstream and the Number Of Copies is set to 0.

Table 5: Properties Pane: General Properties

Length UnitThis property sets the units for the downstream mesh assembly. After the meshes are initially assembled, this property becomes read-only. You must reset the downstream mesh cell in order to change the Length Unit.

Table 6: Properties Pane: Transfer Settings Section


Number Of Copies

When set to zero (default), only the source mesh is transformed. If you specify a number of copies greater than zero, these will be in addition to the source mesh. For example, if you import a .cdb file with a single part and set Number Of Copies to 2, you will get three parts in Mechanical.
Renumber Mesh Nodes and Elements AutomaticallyWhen Mesh cells are connected, this property in the downstream Mesh cell controls whether mesh nodes and elements are automatically renumbered to prevent conflicts.

If the Number Of Copies is set to 1 or greater, automatic renumbering occurs.

Transform OriginalThis property is available only when Number Of Copies is set to 1 or greater. Select the check box if you want to apply the specified transformation to the source mesh as well as any copies.
Origin X/Y/ZThese properties allow you to translate the origin of the model along the X, Y, or Z axis. If you specify any copies, the translation is applied relative to the previous copy (or source mesh in the case of the first copy).
Theta XY/YZ/ZXThese properties allow you to rotate the model about its origin in the XY, YZ, or ZX plane. If you specify any copies, the rotation is applied relative to the previous copy (or source mesh in the case of the first copy).

Any change in these properties will put the downstream mesh in a Refresh Required state.

You can preview the mesh transformations by right-clicking on the Mesh cell and selecting Preview Assembled Geometry. Use this feature to confirm that the correct mesh transformations have been applied. For more details and an example workflow, see Preview Assembled Geometry.