A previously saved state file can be loaded into TurboGrid. To load a state file in
stand-alone mode, select File > Load State
from the main menu or click Load State
on the toolbar; when running in Ansys Workbench, select
File > Import State. The
Load State File dialog box is displayed.
If any file specified in a state or session file cannot be found, TurboGrid will automatically search the state or session file directory for a file of the same name. If this search fails, the current working directory will be searched. As a result, state and session files will not have to be edited to change the path when state, session and curve files are moved from one directory to another.
Select the Load as new case option button to delete all existing objects and create new objects that are defined in the state file.
Select the Append to current case option button to add all objects defined in the state file to the existing objects. Existing objects are not removed unless they have the same name as an object in the state file, in which case they are replaced. Loading a state file in this way allows the use of a number of state files as building blocks for commonly used objects.
Note: If you are running TurboGrid in Ansys Workbench, and there is a geometry provided to TurboGrid from an upstream cell, then that geometry is used and the geometry data in the state file is ignored.
Note: Because the Topology Set
object is now suspended by default,
session and state files from version 11 or earlier might not play or load correctly.
To support older session and state files, the Play Session File
and Load State File dialog boxes have an option named
Unsuspend TOPOLOGY SET before loading.
Selecting this option causes the Topology Set
object to be
unsuspended before playing/loading a session/state file. When starting TurboGrid from
the command line, adding the command line parameter -u
causes the Topology Set
object to be initially