2.12.1. Polyflow Classic File Naming in Workbench

When running under Workbench, Polyflow Classic automatically saves the mesh, data and output files for your system as needed in the PFL folder or subfolder. The following describes the naming conventions for these files:

  • mesh file

    If a .msh or .poly file is imported into the system, the file retains its original name. If a .neu file is imported, the file is converted into a file named convert.msh.

  • .dat file

    If a .dat file is imported into the system, the file retains its original name. If a new .dat file is created using Polydata, the file is named polyflow.dat.

  • Polyflow Classic results file

    The Polyflow Classic results file in the Outputs folder is named res.

  • output mesh file

    The output mesh file in the Outputs folder is named res.msh.

  • Ansys CFD-Post file

    The Ansys CFD-Post file in the Outputs folder is named cfx.res.

The following example shows how file naming works in Polyflow Classic under Workbench:

  1. Launch Workbench.

  2. Save the Workbench project file as my_project.

    File Save As...

    A file named my_project.wbpj is saved, along with a folder named my_project_files.

  3. Create a Polyflow Classic-based analysis system, as described in Creating Polyflow Classic-Based Systems.

  4. Right-click the Mesh cell and select Import Mesh File.... Then select the Polyflow Classic mesh file extru3d.msh using the file browser that opens and click Open.

  5. Double-click the Setup cell to launch Polydata and set up material data and boundary conditions in the usual manner. After you click the Save and Exit menu item in the main Polydata menu (and then the Accept and Continue menu items), a polyflow.dat file is created.

  6. Right-click the Solution cell and select Update, in order to launch the Polyflow Classic solver. At the end of the calculation, a listing file named polyflow.lst is created in the my_project_files dp0 PFL PFL folder, while the following files are created in the my_project_files dp0 PFL PFL Outputs folder: a Polyflow Classic results file named res; a Polyflow Classic output mesh file named res.msh; an Ansys CFD-Post result file named cfx.res; a series of .cnvg files summarizing the convergence history of main computation fields; and a series of .prb files containing the values of fields at the different probe locations.

  7. Save the project: File Save.