The following graphical enhancements were made at Release 2025 R1:
Copy and Paste Geometry Window Content. The preference (Image to Clipboard Mode) that controls how you copy and paste the content of the Geometry window has been updated. Now, when you use either the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]+[C] or the Images menu option, Image to Clipboard, you can specify additional export options. The Image to Clipboard Mode preference (Options > Graphics > Image Export) includes the options Current Display (default) and Use Image Export Settings. When set to Current Display, the application copies the content of the window using the current view. When set to Use Image Export Settings, the application copies the content of the window based on the settings of the Image to Clipboard Preferences dialog. This dialog displays automatically when the Show Preferences Dialog preference is set to Yes, but only when you use the Image to Clipboard option of the Images drop-down menu.
Exporting Animations. Now, when you export an animation, a new dialog provides options to adjust the width and height of the generated video.
Viewing Exported Animations in Web Browser. MP4 video files exported from Mechanical can now be opened in web browsers.
Result Display Enhancements in Batch Mode. In batch mode, you can now export images of results that use the Geometry display options IsoSurfaces, Capped IsoSurfaces, and Section Planes.