Chapter 28: TPA Workflow for FRF Calculator


A Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) workflow is available from the FRF Calculator in the NVH Toolkit, offering functions and properties as described below.

The following options are available under the FRF Calculator Details.

Start TPA Workflow

Binary property to start the TPA workflow.

Component Type

Binary property to select Active/Passive. Exposed if the Start TPA Workflow property is enabled.

Input Degrees of Freedom

Input the preferred DOFs as a comma-separated string of text (such as fx,fy,fz,mx,my,mz). This option is only available when using the Start TPA Workflow option with the Component Type set to Active.

Nodes Definition

If Start TPA Workflow is set to Yes, Nodes Definition will be set read-only to Named Selections. When the Component Type is set to Active, the Input Nodes and Grouped Named Selection Connectivity Nodes properties will be shown. When the Component Type is set to Passive, the Output Nodes and Grouped Named Selection Connectivity Nodes properties will be shown.

Grouped Named Selection Connectivity Nodes

Group of Nodal Named Selections that defines the Connectivity Nodes of the FRF Worksheet. Only one Named Selection is allowed.

If the Start TPA Workflow property is selected, once the FRF Worksheet table is filled, all the columns will be read-only except for the Name column. If you have selected an Active component, Output Node and Output DOF change to Connectivity Node and Connectivity DOF respectively. If you have selected a Passive component, Input Node and Input DOF change to Connectivity Node and Connectivity DOF.

Additionally, If you have selected the Start TPA Workflow property, you can only export displacement data from the FRF Plotter to an h5 file, which will be the input for the TPA Calculator.