Connections Post Wizard

This wizard is used to display and export data on connection objects. Beams and Joints are currently supported. This wizard does not create post objects in the Mechanical tree, but directly accesses the analysis results file and extracts data that is displayed in the interface or exported to a file.

This wizard has a Connection Objects tab, which contains multiple sub-tabs:


This tab is used to identify and/or export the APDL element and Node IDs for the Mechanical objects.

Figure 6.25: APDL Info Tab

APDL Info Tab


This tab is used to review data for Beam objects.

Figure 6.26: Beams Tab

Beams Tab


This tab is used to review data for Joint objects.

Figure 6.27: Joints Tab

Joints Tab

Results Table

This tab is used to display the results. There are three definitions for a given result value: the Result Type, Location or Element, and Time. For example, Axial Stress at Element 124 at Time equals 3.