Use this process to uninstall any Ansys, Inc. product that was installed using the Unified Installation process.
Note to CFX Users — The provided uninstall tool cannot uninstall MPI services. If you have CFX products installed that you are uninstalling, you must stop the MPI services before continuing with the uninstall:
As an administrator, go to the
window and typeServices.msc
.Search for "IBM Platform MPI Remote Launch" and if found, click
.Search for "Intel(R) MPI Library Process Manager" and if found, click
.Continue with the uninstallation procedure, below.
Uninstall Procedure for All Users — All users should use the following procedure to uninstall Ansys, Inc. products.
Close all applications that are currently running.
From Windows, right-click the
. You must uninstall with the same or higher privileges than were used to install the product, and we strongly recommend uninstalling as the same user who installed the product originally.Select the product(s) to be uninstalled and unconfigured and click
. Not all products and product components may be listed individually.You will be asked to save all data and close all Windows applications before continuing. Click
.You will be asked if you are sure you want to uninstall the selected products. Click
.A message appears indicating that the uninstallation is complete. Click
.Note: After all the desired products are uninstalled, you are presented with a message stating that any files or directories that were not recognized by our uninstall program remain. These remaining files typically include such things as .udf files, user customized documentation, and various routines. If these files are no longer required, remove them manually.
CFD-Post — CFD-Post can be installed as a standalone product; however, as a standalone product, it is also automatically installed with Fluent, Polyflow Classic, and Icepak. To uninstall CFD-Post, you must uninstall all of the above products that you have installed.
If you choose to uninstall standalone CFD-Post without uninstalling the other products, the uninstall program will not uninstall CFD-Post.
If you choose to uninstall all of the other products that include standalone CFD-Post but you do not select CFD-Post, then CFD-Post will not be removed.
Individual product directories may not be removed if they contain components that are shared with other products that have not been uninstalled. However, the uninstalled product will no longer run.
In the case of a platform (file server) installation, the uninstall will remove the selected product(s) from all of the Windows platforms.
This procedure removes the specified Ansys, Inc. program from your system but will not remove the Ansys licensing components. Follow the steps in Uninstalling Licensing Components to uninstall the licensing components.
Uninstalling Ansys Discovery Components
When performing an uninstall of any Ansys product on a computer that contains both Ansys Products and Ansys Discovery, you must uninstall ALL Ansys Products as well as all Ansys Discovery components. Depending on your original installation order, you may be presented with a product selection menu during the uninstall process. If you are presented with this menu, you must select all Ansys products. Failure to uninstall all Ansys products could cause the remaining installed Ansys products to stop working.