The items listed below apply only to the Mechanical APDL and/or Ansys Workbench products.
If the Mechanical APDL launcher takes an excessively long time to startup (Windows only), make sure the hostnames in the ansyslmd.ini file and in the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE and the ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variables are typed correctly and that the hosts specified by the hostnames exist. Replacing hostnames with IP addresses may improve the speed as well. Also verify that the port number is correct.
This situation applies only to Windows systems running Mechanical APDL.
Windows includes a function called Aero that may cause Mechanical APDL graphing or plotting problems in 3-D mode on some systems. If this problem occurs, disable the Windows Aero theme in Windows 7 when running Mechanical APDL.
Some of the more common error messages follow. See the Ansys Licensing Guide for licensing-related launcher messages.
***Cannot create required
> file. Therefore,
cannot write to profile information during this launcher
If you see this error, you cannot add or modify profile information
during this launcher session. Verify that you have write access to the
directory and restart the launcher session. Typically, this directory is
C:\Documents and Settings\<user
Data\ANSYS\v251\launcher on Windows or
~/.ansys/v251/launcher/ on
***No Ansys product installations found.
Verify your Mechanical APDL product installation. If the desired product was not installed, install it.
You may encounter the following message when setting up IBM Platform MPI or running Distributed Mechanical APDL using IBM Platform MPI.
Error executing Mechanical APDL. Refer to System-related Error Messages in the Mechanical APDL online help. If this was a Distributed Mechanical APDL job, verify that your MPI software is installed correctly, check your environment settings, or check for an invalid command line option.
You may see this error if you did not correctly run the set password bat file. Verify that you completed this item according to the IBM MPI installation readme instructions.
You may also see this error if ANSYS
is not in your PATH.
If you need more detailed debugging information, use the following:
Open a Command Prompt window and set the following:
SET ANS_SEE_RUN=TRUE SET ANS_CMD_NODIAG=TRUE Run the following command line:
ansys251 -b -dis -i myinput.inp -o myoutput.out
This section lists problems and error messages that you may encounter while installing and/or running Ansys Workbench. After each situation description or error message is a user action required to correct the problem. Always try the suggested user action before contacting your technical support representative.
Problem Situations
CAD System Plug-In Menus Do Not Appear for NX or Creo Parametric — Ansys Workbench on Windows platforms will append its information to an existing customization file for NX and/or Creo Parametric. If no customization file exists, Ansys Workbench will create a file. For NX, Ansys Workbench looks for the custom_dirs.dat file in the directory specified via the UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE environment variable. For Creo Parametric, Ansys Workbench looks for the file in the %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% directory. In addition, during setup of the Creo Parametric Geometry Interface, Ansys Workbench will also append its information to the file located in the Creo Parametric installation path, under the \text directory.
If Ansys Workbench encounters a read-only file, it will not be able to write the necessary information to the file. In this case, you will need to revise the permissions on the file and manually add the appropriate Ansys Workbench-specific information in order for the Ansys menu to appear in NX or Creo Parametric.
Script Errors When Running Ansys Workbench — If you encounter script errors such as "Error: Unable to create object microsoft.XMLDOM," you may need to install the latest version of Microsoft's MSXML. Visit Microsoft's MSXML site for more information on downloading and installing MSXML.
Ansys Workbench Error Messages
***Unable to connect to Solver Manager.
Another application might be using the Solver Manager port (10002 by
default). Try changing the port number by editing the
Ansys.SolverManager.exe.config file located in
the installation directory at
If you are getting the "Unable to connect to Solver Manager" error
message or are having difficulty launching other applications/editors,
it is also possible that the Windows hosts file has been corrupted. Make
sure that localhost is specified in the Windows