Ansys, Inc. supports silent mode operations, including installation, configuring/unconfiguring, and uninstalling.
Note: Ansys, Inc. requires that you have full administrative privileges when installing any software on Microsoft Windows. Non-administrative accounts do not usually have the permissions required to access system areas that installation programs often need to modify. "Full administrative privileges" means that you are running as administrator with UAC turned off, or you are running as administrator with UAC turned on and selected.
Windows uses a feature called User Account Control (UAC) to control privileges and automatically reduce the potential of security breaches in the operation system. However, UAC limits your accessibility to system areas and can cause unpredictable behavior in Ansys, Inc. products, as noted below.
You can specify the following product flags. These flags are all valid for a silent install. However, because of the way the products are packaged, not all of these flags may be valid for a silent configuration/unconfiguration or uninstall. Not all products are available on all platforms.
For silent mode operations, if you do not specify any product arguments, all available products will be installed, configured, or uninstalled.
Product Flags
Product |
Ansys Additive | -additive |
Ansys Aqwa | -aqwa |
Ansys Autodyn | -autodyn |
Ansys CFD-Post | -cfdpost |
Ansys CFX | -cfx |
Ansys Chemkin | -chemkin |
Ansys Customization Files | -ansyscust |
Ansys Discovery (Reduced Install) | -discoveryreduced |
Ansys Discovery (Full Install) | -discovery |
Ansys Dynamic Reporting | -adr |
Ansys EnSight | -ensight |
Ansys FENSAP-ICE | -fensapice |
Ansys Fluent | -fluent |
Ansys Forte | -forte |
Geometry Service Packet | -geometryservice |
Ansys ICEM CFD | -icemcfd |
Ansys LS-DYNA | -lsdyna |
Ansys Mechanical Products | -mechapdl |
Material Calibration App | -matcal |
Material Designer | -matdesigner |
Ansys Model Fuel Library (Encrypted) | -mfl |
Ansys Motion | -motion |
Ansys optiSLang | -optislang |
Ansys Polyflow Classic | -polyflow |
Ansys Reaction Workbench | -reactionwb |
Ansys Sherlock | -sherlock |
Ansys Speos | -speos |
Ansys Speos Libraries | -speoslibraries |
Ansys Speos HPC | -speoshpc |
Ansys TurboGrid | -turbogrid |
Note: Installing any of the above products will install Ansys Workbench. | |
ACIS | -acis |
Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors | -avxsensors -avxlib_path <path> |
Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors Library for SCANeR | -avxsensorsscaner -sensors_scaner_path <path> |
Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors Library for CarMaker | -avxsensorscarmaker -carmaker_path <path> |
Ansys AVxcelerate Headlamp | -avxheadlamp |
Ansys AVxcelerate Headlamp Library for SCANeR | -avxheadlampscaner -headlamp_scaner_path <path> |
Ansys AVxcelerate Headlamp Library for CarMaker | -avxheadlampcarmaker |
Ansys BladeModeler | -blademodeler |
Ansys Electromagnetics Suite | -electromagneticssuite |
Ansys Electromagnetics RSM | -electromagneticsrsm |
Ansys Icepak | -icepak |
Ansys Lumerical | -lumerical |
Ansys Rocky | -rocky |
Ansys Sound - SAS | -soundsas |
Ansys Sound - JLT | -soundjlt |
Ansys Sound - CSS | -soundcss |
Ansys Sound - VRS | -soundvrs |
Ansys Sound - ASDfoEV | -soundsev |
Ansys SpaceClaim Configuration* | -sc_config |
Ansys TwinAI | -twinai |
Ansys Twin Builder | -twinbuilder |
Ansys Viewer | -aview |
Ansys Zemax | -zemaxos |
AutoCAD Plugin | -acad_plugin |
AutoCAD Reader | -acad_reader |
Autodesk Inventor Plugin | -adinventor_plugin |
Autodesk Inventor Reader | -adinventor_reader |
CATIA V4 | -catia4 |
CATIA 5 Plugin | -catia5_plugin |
CATIA 5 Reader | -catia5_reader |
CATIA V6 | -catia6 |
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling | -cocreate |
Creo Parametric Plugin | -proe_plugin |
Creo Parametric Reader | -proe_reader |
Fusion | -fusion |
JTOpen | -jtopen |
NX Plugin | -ug_plugin |
NX Reader | -ug_reader |
Parasolid | -parasolid |
Remote Solve Manager Standalone Services | -rsm |
Solid Edge Plugin | -solidedge_plugin |
Solid Edge Reader | -solidedge_reader |
SOLIDWORKS Plugin | -solidworks_plugin |
SOLIDWORKS Reader | -solidworks_reader |
SpaceClaim Direct Modeler Configuration* | -scdm_config |
* The SpaceClaim Direct Modeler Configuration and Ansys SpaceClaim Configuration product flags perform product configuration only and and DO NOT perform any product installation functions. SpaceClaim Direct Modeler is installed as part of WorkBench while Ansys SpaceClaim is a stand-alone application. While SpaceClaim Direct Modeler and Ansys SpaceClaim can be installed on the same computer, only one of the applications can be configured with Ansys Workbench at any given time. | |
The following silent flags are used to introduce the Ansys Workbench into the appropriate CAD application. Each set of commands includes a configuration flag and a flag specifying the path where the CAD application is installed. For the Creo Parametric path flags, select the Parametric folder located in the Creo installation directory. For the NX path flags, select the folder where ugraf.exe is installed. | |
Speos for Creo Parametric8 | -speoscreo8 -speoscreo8path "<path>" |
Speos for Creo Parametric9 | -speoscreo9 -speoscreo9path "<path>" |
Speos for Creo Parametric10 | -speoscreo10 -speoscreo10path "<path>" |
Speos for Creo Parametric11 | -speoscreo11 -speoscreo11path "<path>" |
Speos for NX 2312 | -speosnx2312 speosnx2312path "<path>" |
Speos for NX 2406 | -speosnx2406 speosnx2406path "<path>" |
Speos for NX 2412 | -speosnx2412 speosnx2412path "<path>" |
For more information on which products are included with each installation, see Applications Included with Each Product.