8.3. Creo Parametric Configuration

Running the Product & CAD Configuration Manager for Creo Parametric performs the following steps to activate the Creo Parametric plug-in:

  • Sets the environment variable PROE_START_CMD251 to the file used to launch Creo Parametric (for example C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo\Parametric\bin\parametric.bat).

  • For administrative installations, adds the Ansys 2025 R1 entry to the config.pro file located in <creo_path>\text. An example for Creo Parametric would be:

    PROTKDAT C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo\Common Files\text
  • Updates the WBPlugInPE.dat file referenced in the config.pro file, so that it contains information for loading the WorkBench Plug-In and the Mechanical APDL Connection.

  • Registers the Plug-In file WBPlugInPECOM.dll referenced in the WBPlugInPE.dat file.

  • When Workbench is installed on a network location and the local administrator has write permissions to <creo_path>\text, a version-specific WBPlugInPE251.dat file will be created and placed in that folder.  However, when <creo_path>\text is unwriteable, both the config.pro and the WBPlugInPE251.dat will be placed in either %HOME% or %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.

If you do not have write access to your Ansys Workbench installation, you may encounter the following error when attempting to import Creo Parametric models without an active CAD session:

No write access, please choose another startup directory for trail file creation.

To prevent this issue, add the following line to your config.pro file:

trail_dir $TEMP

WBPlugInPE.dat File Contents  —  The WBPlugInPE.dat file should look like this example:

NAME WB251PluginProWF
EXEC_FILE E:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\AISOL\CADIntegration\ProE\
TEXT_DIR E:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\AISOL\CADIntegration\ProE\
delay_start FALSE
allow_stop TRUE
unicode_encoding FALSE

NAME ac4pro251dll
exec_path E:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\ANSYS\ac4\bin\pro\winx64\ac4pro.exe
text_path E:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\ANSYS\ac4\data\pro\text
delay_start FALSE
allow_stop TRUE
unicode_encoding FALSE
unicode_encoding FALSE
revision 24.0

Do not delete any of these lines. If you modify this file, do NOT enter a carriage return after the END line. The file may be customized with other information. If these lines are deleted, or if the WBPlugInPE.dat file is not present in any of the directories in the search path, Creo Parametric will not load Ansys-related CAD interfaces. You should typically never have to edit these files for path information contained within them. Paths are determined by environment variable settings, which are set automatically during installation. If you encounter problems when attempting to run Creo Parametric, use the Product & CAD Configuration Manager to reconfigure rather than attempting to edit files directly.

Following an update of an existing Creo Parametric 7.0 installation to a different maintenance release , the Ansys Workbench Associative Plug-In will no longer be configured.  To reactivate your plug-in, follow the steps described in Using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager.  

In order for Product & CAD Configuration Manager to successfully perform configuration of the Creo Parametric Associative Geometry Interface it is required that the Windows Operating System's decimal separator be the same symbol when running configuration as it was when the original Creo Parametric installation was performed.

8.3.1. Configuring the Connection for Creo Parametric

All Creo Parametric users must have copies of the WBPlugInPE.dat file and the config.anscon.251 (connection for Creo Parametric) files. The config.anscon.251 file is placed in the Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\ansys\ac4\data\winx64 directory. config.anscon.251 must be copied into the user's working directory at the time Creo Parametric is started. The WBPlugInPE.dat file is placed in the Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\AISOL\CADIntegration\%ANSYS_PROEWF_VER%\ProEPages\config directory. This file defines the name of the executable, the path to the executable, the path to the message file, and the current revision of Creo Parametric.

Note:  If the ANSGeom menu in Creo Parametric does not appear correctly, copy the config.anscon.251 file into your working directory and restart Creo Parametric.

If Mechanical APDL Connection fails to load into Creo Parametric, see AnsysMechanical APDL Connection does not load into Creo Parametric . The WBPlugInPE.dat File and config.pro File

Creo Parametric uses the WBPlugInPE.dat file to locate related executables such as the connection for Creo Parametric.

Mechanical APDL/Ansys Workbench also requires a config.pro file.

  • The config.pro file resides <path-to-creo-parametric>\..\Common Files\<Creo Ship Code>\text for Creo Parametric. The Creo Ship Code is a three digit number preceded by a single letter.   The ship code is specified in the Creo Parametric installation log, which can be found in <path-to-creo-parametric>\bin\pim\xml\creobase.xml. In the cases that the crebase.xml file is missing, the ship code can be determined by looking in the Windows Registry using regedit. For Creo the value is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\PTC\PTC Creo Parametric\\<DateCode>. <Datecode> is an integer reflecting the date of the Creo build.

The config.pro file contains a PROTKDAT line that points to the WBPlugInPE.dat file. This file is generated either during the product install or by running the Product & CAD Configuration Manager to configure the Mechanical APDL /Ansys Workbench products for Creo Parametric.

The <proe_platform> variable is the name that Creo Parametric gives to its platform directories:


Hardware Platform

Ansys Platform <platform>

Creo Parametric Platform <proe_platform>

Win 7 x64winx64x86e_win64 The config.pro File

A typical config.pro file might look like the following example. This example has an entry for Ansys Workbench. You may have other Creo Parametric specific customizations.

     ProEPages\config\WBPlugInPE.dat The config.anscon.251 File

Users who launch Mechanical APDL from Creo Parametric will need the information from the config.anscon.251 file. This file is installed for all users in the \ac4\data\winx64 subdirectory. You typically do not need to edit this file. Here is a sample config.anscon.251 file:


**These variables are not supported by Creo Parametric and are ignored by Creo Parametric.

See Setting Mechanical APDL Configuration Parameters in the Connection User's Guide for more information about the config.anscon.251 file.

8.3.2. Creo Parametric Environment Variables

Most environment variables are set during product installation. In general, you will not need to reset these variables. Check the manuals for the individual CAD products for information about environment variables and their settings.


Specifies the name of the .bat file which launches Creo Parametric on the system. The path to the executable should be already set if the Creo Parametric installation path has been defined for the PATH environment setting.

PROE_START_CMD251 Default = C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo\Parametric\bin\parametric.bat