Chapter 5: Post-Installation Instructions

The following post-installation procedures apply to all Ansys, Inc. products. Individual products may have additional post-installation procedures; refer to the following sections for each product:

Note:  If the installation program reported any errors, review the installation error file (install.err) located in the Ansys Inc directory. Contact your Ansys Support representative if you have any questions.

It may also be necessary to establish some system settings, including path names and environment variables. See your operating system documentation for specific instructions on setting paths and environment variables.

  1. Set the following environment variables based on the behavior you want.

    • The ANSYSLIC_DIR environment variable sets the location of the Ansys licensing directory hierarchy. The default value is C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing. You probably will not need to reset this variable, unless you change the location of the licensing files.

    To set environment variables:

    Windows 10 or 11: Right-click Start and choose Control Panel. Click Advanced System Settings>System>Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables. Click New. Type the name in the Variable Name field and the desired setting in the Variable Value field. Click OK on all dialog boxes.

    If you have any command prompts or console windows open when you set or reset environment variables, those windows need to be closed and restarted in order to pick up the new settings.

  2. Set the home directory. To set a home directory in Windows, you need to set a HOMEDRIVE environment variable to the desired drive letter (including the colon) and a HOMEPATH environment variable to the desired path. For example:

  3. Set the license manager to start automatically at boot time. For platform-specific instructions, see License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions in the Ansys Licensing Guide.

  4. Designate server(s) for license checkout and establish necessary user privileges (recommended but not required). For information on these tasks, see Ansys Licensing Settings Utility in the Ansys Licensing Guide.

  5. Verify the product installation by selecting each product from the Start menu to verify that they each start and run correctly. You must be pointing to a valid license server machine before you can verify the installation.

  6. If you chose not to set file associations during the installation, you may want to run the File Association utility now to configure the Ansys file types. Administrative privileges are required to run this utility

    For Windows 10 or 11, right-click the Start Screen> All apps> Ansys 2025 R1> File Association 2025 R1.

    For network installations, run the File Association utility on each client computer.

    You can also run the File Association utility in silent mode:

    <install_dir>\v251\installer\instcore\fileassoc.exe -silent

    You can see help on the fileassoc.exe by issuing -help. File associations are as follows:

    Ansys, Inc. ProductFile Extension
    Mechanical APDL.db, .dbb, .grph
    Ansys CFD-Post .mres, .res
    Ansys CFX .cfx, .cvf, .def, .mdef
    Ansys Composite PrepPost .acph5
    Ansys Fluent .cas
    Ansys ICEM CFD .prj, .tin, .uns
    Ansys Workbench .ad, .agdb, .aqdb, .bgd, .cmdb, .dsdb, .engd, .fedb, .mechdat, .meshdat, .pmdb, .wbdb, .wbpj, .wbpz

Quality Assurance Services:

If you require verification of your Ansys software installation, Ansys, Inc. offers Quality Assurance services for some applications. If you are interested in this service, visit the Ansys website and go to Products & Services > Services & Support > Quality Assurance > Quality Assurance Services or call the Ansys, Inc. Corporate Quality Group at (724) 746-3304.