Chapter 6: Silent Mode Operations

Ansys, Inc. supports silent mode operations, including installation, product configuration/unconfiguration, and uninstall.

You can specify the following product flags. These flags are all valid for a silent install. However, because of the way the products are packaged, not all of these flags may be valid for a silent configuration/unconfiguration, or uninstall.

Product Flags

Product product_flag
Ansys Aqwa-aqwa
Ansys Autodyn-autodyn
Ansys CFX-cfx
Ansys CFD-Post-cfdpost
Ansys Chemkin-chemkin
Ansys Customization Files -ansyscust
Ansys EnSight-ensight
Ansys FENSAP-ICE-fensapice
Ansys Forte-forte
Ansys Fluent-fluent
Ansys ICEM CFD-icemcfd
Ansys Motion-motion
Ansys Mechanical APDL-mechapdl
Ansys LS-DYNA-lsdyna
Ansys Model Fuel Library (Encrypted)-mfl
Ansys optiSLang-optislang
Ansys Polyflow Classic -polyflow
Ansys Reaction Workbench-reactionwb
Ansys Sherlock-sherlock
Ansys Speos HPC-speoshpc
Ansys TurboGrid-turbogrid
Note: Installing any of the above products will install Ansys Workbench.
ACIS Geometry Interface-acis
Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors-avxsensors

-avxlib_path <path>

Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors Library for SCANeR-avxsensorsscaner

-sensors_scaner_path <path>

Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors Library for CarMaker-avxsensorscarmaker

-carmaker_path <path>

Ansys Electromagnetics Suite-electromagneticssuite
Ansys Electromagnetics RSM-electromagneticsrsm
Ansys Icepak-icepak
Ansys Lumerical-lumerical
Ansys Rocky-rocky
Ansys Remote Solve Manager Standalone Services-rsm
Ansys TwinAI-twinai
Ansys Twin Builder-twinbuilder
CATIA 5 Reader-catia5_reader
NX Geometry Interface Plugin-ug_plugin
Parasolid Geometry Interface-parasolid

For more information on which products are included with each installation, see Applications Included with Each Product.