HPC simulations are not limited to CPU. It can run a simulation using GPU resources thanks to CUDA cores. Better performance results have been achieved using GPU resources.
As of now, a GPU simulation requires 32 optishpc capabilities per GPU.
NVIDIA Quadro P6000 graphics adapter with a 525.89.02 NVIDIA driver.
Only NVIDIA GPU graphics adapters are supported.
Caution: Be aware that the RAM needed for your simulation depends on your project. For instance, you may have a huge number of sensors with a high resolution which will require substantial RAM.
For more information on GPU Limitation refer to GPU Simulation Limitations.
Script Files in the context of GPU Simulations are the same script files as the CPU Simulation. You will just need to add the -gpu switch to the command line in the script.
On the Linux platform, two scripts can incorporate the -gpu switch:
RunMySimulation Script (for PBS and SLURM)
CheckMySimulation Script (for PBS and SLURM)
Warning: SPEOS HPC cannot target a specific number of GPU adapters. It will take all GPU adapters in the node.
If you want to run a simulation using the GPU of the cluster, you can add the -gpu switch to the command line as shown in the following script:
Important: You need to modify the script by adding the LICENSE_SERVER and the correct version used vXXX.
Note: If you need to adjust the number of GPU devices to be used by Speos HPC when running a simulation, you can add the following command line:
0,1,2 signifies that three GPU devices will be used to run the simulation.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N "$(JOBNAME)" #PBS -l walltime=00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 #PBS -q main #PBS -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #PBS -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #PBS -l select=$(NODES):mpiprocs=1 #PBS -1 place=scatter:excelhost # Load the user environment export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR=/tmp export PBS_O_PATH=$PATH source /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/vars.sh ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### # Distribute my SPEOSHPC simulation on 2 computers for 10 seconds in this example. mpiexec.hydra -launcher ssh -hostfile "path/to/machinefile" -np $(NODES) -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 200 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: machinefile must contain all the names of the machines that will run the simulation job qstat --version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | head -n 4
If you want to run a simulation using the GPU of the cluster, you can add the -gpu switch to the command line as shown in the following script:
Important: You need to modify the script by adding the LICENSE_SERVER and the correct version used vXXX.
Note: If you need to adjust the number of GPU devices to be used by Speos HPC when running a simulation, you can add the following command line:
0,1,2 signifies that three GPU devices will be used to run the simulation.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #SBATCH -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #SBATCH -J "$(JOBNAME)" #SBATCH -n $(NODES) # spread the tasks evenly among the nodes #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH -t 00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 # Load the INTEL redistribuables export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR="/tmp" ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### . /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/vars.sh hostlist=$(scontrol show node ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST} | awk '/NodeAddr=/ {print $1}' | cut -f2 -d= | paste -sd ',' -) mpiexec.hydra -launcher ssh -hosts ${hostlist} -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 64 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. sinfo –version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | grep "PRETTY" locale | head -n 1
If you want to run a simulation using the GPU of the cluster, you can add the -gpu switch to the command line as shown in the following script:
Important: You need to modify the script by adding the LICENSE_SERVER and the correct version used vXXX.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N "$(JOBNAME)" #PBS -l walltime=00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 #PBS -q main #PBS -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #PBS -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #PBS -l select=1:mpiprocs=1 #PBS -1 place=scatter:excelhost # Load the user environment export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR=/tmp export PBS_O_PATH=$PATH source /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/vars.sh ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### # Distribute my SPEOSHPC simulation on 2 computers for 10 seconds in this example. mpiexec.hydra -launcher ssh -hostfile "path/to/machinefile" -np 1 -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 200 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: machinefile must contain all the names of the machines that will run the simulation job qstat --version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | head -n 4 locale | head -n 1
If you want to run a simulation using the GPU of the cluster, you can add the -gpu switch to the command line as shown in the following script:
Important: You need to modify the script by adding the LICENSE_SERVER and the correct version used vXXX.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -o "$(FILE_OUTPUT)" #SBATCH -e "$(FILE_ERROR)" #SBATCH -J "$(JOBNAME)" #SBATCH -n 1 # spread the tasks evenly among the nodes #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH -t 00:$(WALLCLOCK):00 # Load the INTEL redistribuables export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=LICENSE_SERVER export TMPDIR="/tmp" ############################### # SPEOSHPC command line options ############################### . /ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/env/vars.sh hostlist=$(scontrol show node ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST} | awk '/NodeAddr=/ {print $1}' | cut -f2 -d= | paste -sd ',' -) "/ansys_inc/vXXX/tp/MPI/Intel/2021.8.0/linx64/bin/mpiexec.hydra" -launcher ssh -machinefile hosts -ppn 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -speos "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -threads 64 -mpi IntelMPI -gpu # NOTE: if you want to run simulation using GPU of the cluster, add the -gpu switch in the command line. # NOTE: the -threads command line is useless when using the -gpu switch in the command line. sinfo --version mpiexec -V | head -n 1 ldd --version | head -n 1 cat /etc/*release* | grep "PRETTY" locale | head -n 1
On the Windows platform, two scripts can incorporate the -gpu switch:
RunMySimulation Script
CheckMySimulation Script
Warning: SPEOS HPC cannot target a specific number of GPU adapters. It will take all GPU adapters in the node.
If you want to run a simulation using the GPU of the cluster, you can add the -gpu switch to the command line as shown in the following script:
Important: You need to modify the script by adding the LICENSE_SERVER..
echo off chcp 65001 job submit /scheduler:"SchedulerName" /jobtemplate:default /jobname:"$(JOBNAME)" /stdout:"$(FILE_OUTPUT)" /stderr:"$(FILE_ERROR)" /numnodes:$(NODES)/env:ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@LICENSE_SERVER mpiexec -genvlist CCP_CLUSTER_NAME,CCP_JOBID,ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE -hosts %%CCP_NODES%% "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -sv5 "$(SV5PATH)" $(PARAM) $(LANG) -gpu if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo Submission error - error code %ERRORLEVEL% echo > "$(FILE_RUNKO)" )
If you want to run a simulation using the GPU of the cluster, you can add the -gpu switch to the command line as shown in the following script:
Important: You need to modify the script by adding the LICENSE_SERVER..
echo off chcp 65001 job submit /scheduler:"SchedulerName" /jobtemplate:default /jobname:CheckSimulation /stdout:"$(FILE_OUTPUT)" /stderr:"$(FILE_ERROR)" /numnodes:1 mpiexec -genvlist CCP_CLUSTER_NAME,CCP_JOBID -n 1 "$(SPEOSHPC_EXE)" -sv5 "$(SV5PATH)" -check $(LANG) -gpu if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo Submission error - error code %ERRORLEVEL% echo > "$(FILE_CHECKKO)" )