3.4. Uninstalling Ansys Discovery

To uninstall Ansys Discovery products, follow the steps below.

Warning:  When performing an uninstall of any Ansys product on a computer that contains both Ansys Products and Ansys Discovery, you must uninstall ALL Ansys Products as well as all Ansys Discovery components. Depending on your original installation order, you may be presented with a product selection menu during the uninstall process. If you are presented with this menu, you must select all Ansys products. Failure to uninstall all Ansys products could cause the remaining installed Ansys products to stop working.

  1. Save all data and close all Windows applications before continuing.

  2. Right-click Start > Ansys 2025 R1> Uninstall Ansys 2025 R1. You must uninstall with the same or higher privileges than were used to install the product, and Ansys strongly recommends uninstalling as the same user who installed the product originally.

  3. Depending on your original order of installation, either a product uninstall summary or product uninstall selection menu appears.

    • If a product uninstall summary listing all Ansys products is displayed, click Next to continue the uninstall process.

    • If an Ansys product uninstall selection menu is displayed, you must select ALL Ansys products and Ansys Discovery components available. Click the Select All button located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and then click Next. At this time a product uninstall summary listing all Ansys products is displayed, click Next to continue the uninstall process.

  4. The uninstall progress screen displays a status bar towards the bottom of the window. You will not be able to interrupt the uninstall process.

    Once the uninstall is complete, click Exit.