You may run SpaceClaim under any of these licenses:
Discovery: disco_level1
SpaceClaim Direct Modeler: a_spaceclaim_dirmod
CFD PrepPost: cfd_preppost
Electronics: elec_solve_level3
Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost: preppost
Mechanical Enterprise: ansys
Speos: speos_level1 or aspeos_level1
Thermal Desktop: thermal_desktop_preppost + thermal_desktop_base
By default, SpaceClaim queries and checks out license keys in the following order:
It looks first for disco_level1 or a_spaceclaim_dirmod, in that order. These are the primary SpaceClaim licenses.
Note: If you prefer SpaceClaim query the legacy license (a_spaceclaim_dirmod) first and disco_level1 second, set the ANS_MODELER_FLIP_LICENSE environment variable to 1.
If neither primary license is present, it looks for an alternate SpaceClaim license, as defined in the License Preferences section of the SpaceClaim Options panel.
If none of the primary or alternate licenses are present but SpaceClaim finds a compatible flagship license, a message dialog appears so you can select the other license.
You can use the /p command line option to override the SpaceClaim primary and alternate license preferences and specify a different license on application startup.
Table 7.1: Command Line Options for Overriding the License Preferences
To run this application... | Use one of these command line options... |
SpaceClaim |
For example: SpaceClaim.exe /p=ansys
For additional details, see License Preferences.