The Smooth Surface Mesh option is an automatic process for
improving the quality of selected surface mesh elements. A common
mesh smoothing technique is Laplace Smoothing, which seeks to reposition
the nodes so that each internal node is at the centroid of the polygon
formed by its connected neighbors. This repositioning is usually done
- Elements
specifies the surface mesh elements to smooth.
- Max Iterations
is the maximum number of iterations for smoothing the mesh.
- Accuracy
is a relative tolerance for element quality (between 0 and 1) related to the local element size. The default value is 0.025. If set to 0, then the given number of smoothing steps is done. Bigger values improve the performance because smoothing stops when the accuracy has been reached.
- Isoparametric
is an additional option for the surface smoother. The default value is 0, which is pure Laplacian smoothing. You can increase this parameter up to 1 to produce an isoparametric mesh.
- Surface projection
allows you to project new nodes onto the nearest surface.
- Smooth boundaries
smoothes the boundary nodes of the surface mesh selected, not just the internal nodes. It also allows curve nodes to be improved.