The Triangle option allows you to select three locations to
create a triangle. A triangular element is a surface element. If not
possible, a message will be displayed that it could not create the
triangle because the volume mesh could not be made consistent.
- Method
- From nodes
allows you to elect the nodes of the mesh to define new elements. A mesh must be loaded so that nodes can be selected.
- From points
allows you to select the points of the geometry to define new elements. A geometry file must be loaded so that points can be selected.
- From screen
allows you to select any arbitrary location by clicking on the screen.
- Make Volume Consistent
automatically adjusts the volumetric elements to conform with the new element(s). This only applies when creating triangles within a tetra mesh.
- Automatic element creation
automatically creates the element after selecting the point, node, or edge, without requiring confirmation by pressing the middle mouse button.