SGE is a queuing system similar to PBS and
should provide qsub/qstat/qdel
SGE settings are specified in the submittal script via
lines, these lines can be configured in FENSAP-ICE in
the Configure… panel of the SGE
Refer to your queuing system documentation, in order to know which parameters to use here.
For example:

Typical parameters:
Number of CPUs – Required: The command required to specify the number of CPUs will change depending of the system configuration. FENSAP-ICE will not write the number of CPUs automatically in the submittal script. The typical syntax for 24 CPUs is:
#$ -pe mpi 24
Start in current directory
#$ -cwd
Force usage of bash shell
#$ -S /bin/bash
Walltime, project identifier, etc.
Refer to your system documentation.
When submitting a PBS job, two files are created by FENSAP-ICE for your convenience:
Which contains the job ID, usually used with qstat
Once the job is started, the qsub.cfg execution script will create this file, it will be filled with a copy of the content of the $PE_HOSTFILE.
FENSAP-ICE will not read these files; they can be removed or modified.