The Fluid Dynamics Verification Manual presents a collection of test cases that demonstrate a representative set of the capabilities of the ANSYS Fluid Dynamics product suite. The primary purpose of this manual is to demonstrate a wide range of capabilities in straightforward problems that have "classical" or readily-obtainable theoretical solutions and in some cases have experimental data for comparison. The close agreement of the ANSYS solutions to the theoretical or experimental results in this manual is intended to provide user confidence in the ANSYS solutions. These problems may then serve as the basis for your additional validation and qualification of ANSYS capabilities for specific applications that may be of interest to you.
Although these test cases allow comparison against theoretical solutions and experimental data, we have selected relatively simple problems that run quickly and can be conveniently used to test for consistency across multiple platforms. They are not intended to provide a rigorous validation of the model, which generally requires a greater number of much longer running problems. This manual represents a small subset of the Quality Assurance test case library that is used in full when testing new versions of Ansys Fluent, Ansys CFX, and Ansys Forte. Furthermore, because these programs are capable of solving very complicated practical engineering problems that have no closed-form theoretical solutions, the test cases in this manual do not illustrate their full capability.
The Ansys software suite is continually being verified by the developers at ANSYS as new capabilities are added to the software. Verification of Ansys products is conducted in accordance with written procedures that form a part of an overall Quality Assurance program at Ansys.
Note: To solve the fluid dynamics test cases, you must have a product license that supports the relevant solver (the Ansys Fluent, Ansys CFX, or Ansys Forte solver). A complete list of the products and license features can be found in the ANSYS, Inc. Product to License Feature Mapping table. For instructions on how to access this table, see Product to License Feature Mapping in the Ansys, Inc. License Management Guide.
Additional Topics Covered in this Introduction:
- 1.1. Using the Verification Manual and Test Cases
- 1.2. Expected Results
- 1.3. References
- 1.4. Verification and Validation
- 1.5. Quality Assurance Services
- 1.6. Downloading the Project Files
- 1.7. CFX Supported Test Cases
- 1.8. Index to the Ansys Fluent and CFX Test Cases
- 1.9. Ansys Fluent GPU Supported Test Cases
- 1.10. Index to the Ansys Forte Test Cases
You are encouraged to use these tests as starting points when exploring features in these products. Geometries, material properties, loads, and output results can easily be changed and the solution repeated. As a result, the tests offer a quick introduction to new features with which you may be unfamiliar.
The test cases in this manual are primarily intended for verification of the ANSYS programs. An attempt has been made to include most significant analysis capabilities of the ANSYS products in this manual. Although they are valuable as demonstration problems, the test cases are not presented as step-by-step examples with lengthy data input instructions and printouts. The reader should refer to the online help for complete input data instructions.
Users desiring more detailed instructions for solving problems or in-depth treatment of specific topics should refer to the Ansys Fluent, Ansys CFX, or the Ansys Forte documentation. Tutorials are also available for various specific topics. These publications focus on particular features or program areas, supplementing other ANSYS reference documents with theory, procedures, guidelines, examples, and references.
The test cases in this manual have been modeled to give reasonably accurate comparisons with experimental data wherever applicable, with a low number of elements and iterations. In some cases, even fewer elements and/or iterations will still yield an acceptable accuracy for the purpose of verifying the solution. The test cases employ a balance between accuracy and solution time. An attempt has been made to present a test case and results that are grid-independent. If test results are not grid-independent, it is due to the need to limit the run time for the test to be in the manual. Improved results can be obtained in some cases by refining the mesh, but this requires longer solution times.
Important: It should be noted that these are not validation cases of the models presented. The test cases are single instance simulations using one mesh, one turbulence model, and one scenario of the model.
The ANSYS solutions in this manual are compared with solutions or experimental data from textbooks or technical publications. Fluid-dynamics simulations have to make use of data available from experimental measurements for their verification primarily because closed-form theoretical solutions are not available for modeling the related phenomena. In this manual, test cases make use of experimental data published in reputable journals or conference proceedings for verification of the computational results. The experimental measurements for fluid-flow systems are often presented in the form of plots of the relevant parameters. The published experimental data for those cases and the corresponding simulation results are presented in graphical format to ease comparison.
Different computers and operating systems may yield slightly different results for some of the test cases in this manual due to numerical precision variation from machine to machine. Solutions that are nonlinear, iterative, or have convergence options activated are among the most likely to exhibit machine-dependent numerical differences. Because of this, an effort has been made to report an appropriate and consistent number of significant digits in both the target and the ANSYS solution. If you run these test cases on your own computer hardware, be advised that an ANSYS result reported in this manual as 0.01234 may very well show up in your printout as 0.012335271. Slightly different results may be obtained when different processor types or operating systems are used.
The goal for the test cases contained in this manual was to have results accuracy within 3% of the target solution. The solutions for the test cases have been verified; however, certain differences may exist with regard to the references. These differences have been examined and are considered acceptable.
It should be noted that only those items corresponding to the given theoretical solution values are reported for each problem. The same solution may also contain other useful numerical solution data.
The test cases provided in this manual are a single instance, using one mesh, one turbulence model, and one scenario for the model. They are not validation cases of the models presented since they do not provide, nor attempt to provide, the necessary methodology on how to arrive at the presented results. The intent of these cases is to provide a means to verify that you are obtaining the same results in your computing environment as ANSYS obtained in its computing environment. You are encouraged to do a complete study to validate the ANSYS solution.
For customers who may have further need for formal verification of the ANSYS products on their computers, Ansys, Inc. offers the Quality Assurance Testing Agreement. You are provided with input data, output data, comparator software, and software tools for automating the testing and reporting process. If you are interested in contracting for such services, contact the Ansys, Inc. Quality Assurance Group.
For additional information, refer to the Ansys Quality Assurance Effort in the Ansys Workbench Verification Manual.
All project files for the test cases are available for download at the Customer Portal. Ansys publishes these files annually for each product release. You can find the zipped archives at: ANSYS Customer Portal > , or you can use the download links below. > >
Project File Release Schedule
The latest verification files become available for download several weeks after each release of the Ansys software.
If you click the download link for the latest project files, you might receive a message that the files are not yet available. If that happens, check back again later. Meanwhile, you can download the project files for the previous release at any time. (You'll find the download link below as well.) The download package for the previous release contains project files for all the test cases, except for the most recent ones added for the current release. And those earlier files are fully compatible with the latest version of your Ansys software.
How to Download the Fluids Verification Case Files
Using the Current Release 2025 R1 link below, downloads the .zip package containing the project files for all the test cases in the Ansys CFX, Ansys Fluent, and Ansys Forte Product's verification manual.
Download link: Current Release 2025 R1
If you receive a message that the project files are not yet available, you may download the package for the previous 2024 R2 release for the time being.
Download link: Previous Release 2024 R2
Select the .zip file you are interested in and extract the contents to a folder of your choice.
Note: Typically, the project files appear on the Portal several weeks after the release of the software package. If the downloads are not yet available, check back again later. Meanwhile, you can download the project files of earlier releases any time. They are fully compatable with the latest version of your Ansys software. Direct download links are provided below.
Due to differences between the Fluent and CFX solvers, only a subset of the test cases in this manual are supported by CFX. The following is a list of test cases which are supported by CFX:
VMFL001 - Flow Between Rotating and Stationary Concentric Cylinders |
VMFL002 - Laminar Flow Through a Pipe with Uniform Heat Flux |
VMFL003 - Pressure Drop in Turbulent Flow Through a Pipe |
VMFL004 - Plain Couette Flow with Pressure Gradient |
VMFL005 - Poiseuille Flow in a Pipe |
VMFL007 - Non-Newtonian Flow in a Pipe |
VMFL008 - Flow Inside a Rotating Cavity |
VMFL009 - Natural Convection in a Concentric Annulus |
VMFL010 - Laminar Flow in a 90° Tee-Junction |
VMFL011 - Laminar Flow in a Triangular Cavity |
VMFL012 - Turbulent Flow in a Wavy Channel |
VMFL013 - Turbulent Flow with Heat Transfer in a Backward-Facing Step |
VMFL014 - Species Mixing in Co-axial Turbulent Jets |
VMFL015 - Flow Through an Engine Inlet Valve |
VMFL016 - Turbulent Flow in a Transition Duct |
VMFL017 - Transonic Flow over an RAE 2822 Airfoil |
VMFL018 - Shock Reflection in Supersonic Flow |
VMFL019 - Transient Flow Near a Wall Set in Motion |
VMFL020 - Adiabatic Compression of Air in Cylinder by a Reciprocating Piston |
VMFL021 - Cavitation over a Sharp-Edged Orifice Case A: High Inlet Pressure |
VMFL023 - Oscillating Laminar Flow Around a Circular Cylinder |
VMFL024 - Interface of Two Immiscible Liquids in a Rotating Cylinder |
VMFL026 - Supersonic Flow with Real Gas Effects inside a Shock Tube |
VMFL027 - Turbulent Flow Over a Backward-Facing Step |
VMFL032 - Turbulent Flow with Separation Along an Axisymmetric Afterbody |
VMFL037 - Turbulent Flow Over a Forward Facing Step |
VMFL039 - Boiling in a Pipe with Heated Wall |
VMFL040 - Separated Turbulent Flow in a Diffuser |
VMFL042 - Turbulent Mixing of Two Streams with Different Densities |
VMFL044 - Supersonic Nozzle Flow |
VMFL045 - Oblique Shock Over an Inclined Ramp |
VMFL047 - Turbulent Flow with Separation in an Asymmetric Diffuser |
VMFL051 - Isentropic Expansion of Supersonic Flow Over a Convex Corner |
VMFL052 - Turbulent Natural Convection Inside a Tall Cavity |
VMFL054 - Laminar flow in a Trapezoidal Cavity |
VMFL059 - Conduction in a Composite Solid Block |
VMFL063 - Separated Laminar Flow Over a Blunt Plate |
Dimensionality Column Key:
2: 2D
3: 3D
A: 2D Axisymmetric
The following is a list of test cases which are supported by Ansys Fluent GPU Solver:
VMFLGPU001 - Flow Between Rotating and Stationary Concentric Cylinders |
VMFLGPU002 - Laminar Flow in a 90° Tee-Junction |
VMFLGPU003 - Laminar Flow in a Triangular Cavity |
VMFLGPU004 - Anisotropic Conduction Heat Transfer |
VMFLGPU005 - Turbulent Natural Convection Inside a Tall Cavity |
VMFLGPU006 - Mid-Span Flow Over a Goldman Stator Blade |
VMFLGPU007 - Turbulent Flow with Heat Transfer in a Backward-Facing Step |
VMFLGPU008 - Radiative Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Enclosure with Participating Medium |
VMFLGPU009 - Two Phase Poiseuille Flow |
VMFLGPU010 - Surface to Surface Radiative Heat Transfer Between Two Concentric Cylinders |
VMFRT001: Large Eddy Simulation in Internal Combustion Engine Case
VMFRT002: Engine Combustion Network Nonreacting Flow Case - bklraAL4
VMFRT003: Engine Combustion Network Nonreacting Flow Case - bklfaAL4
VMFRT004: Engine Combustion Network Nonreacting Flow Case - bkldaAL4
VMFRT005: Engine Combustion Network Reacting Flow Case - jkldaAL4
VMFRT006: Adiabatic Compression of Air in Cylinder by a Reciprocating Piston
VMFRT007: Small-Bore Direct Injection Diesel Engine