Engine Combustion Network Nonreacting Flow Case - bkldaAL4


ReferenceRetrieved from Engine Combustion Network data search utility: https://ecn.sandia.gov/ecn-data-search/ Accessed on April 7, 2020.

Find relevant data and information by choosing the parameters highlighted in gray below on the ECN data search utility.

SolverAnsys Forte
Physics/ModelsEngine Combustion Network (ECN) Nonreacting Flow Case bkldaAL4
Input FilesP_150MPa_NR.ftsim
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

This test recreates the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) Spray A target case characterized by high-pressure liquid fuel injection in conditions relevant to diesel engines. In this case, the combustion chamber has a cubical shape (length = 10.8 cm), the oxygen content is zero, and the difference between the fuel injector pressure and ambient gas pressure is 150 MPa. The fuel entering the combustion chamber through the spray injector is n-dodecane (nC12). The model includes two refined regions of respectively, 2 mm and 1 mm, around the jet. The table below lists the setup parameters for the experiment and simulation.

Additional test details can be found on the ECN web site. The experimental data for the vapor and liquid penetration lengths can be found in the form of text files on the ECN site at the following links:

The modeling predictions for vapor and liquid penetration lengths are compared with the experimental results including error bars in Figure 209: Vapor and liquid penetration length.

Test case properties
150 MPa13.77 mg6 ms20 cm/s22.8 kg/m3

N2 = 89.71%

CO2 = 6.52%

H2O = 3.77%

6.05 MPa900 K373 K0.084 mm
Simulation Settings
RTdistvinj profileSpray initialization modelL/DR/DSAM on ∇T∇Vel∇Y*[a]Turbulence modelMesh sizeMAXdtinitial
2.2FlatNozzle flow11.90.2380.5 mmRANS RNG-kϵ4 mm1E-7 s

[a] Y*=Fuel Vapor Mass Fraction

Results Comparison

Figure 209: Vapor and liquid penetration length

Vapor and liquid penetration length