Large Eddy Simulation in Internal Combustion Engine Case



Thobois, L., Rymer, G., Soulères, T., and Poinsot, T., "Large-Eddy Simulation in IC Engine Geometries, SAE Paper 2004-01-1854," SAE Technical Paper Series, 2004-01-1854, 2004.

SolverAnsys Forte
Physics/ModelsNon-reacting flow, gas-phase only
Input Files VM_LES_initialization.ftsim
Project FilesLink to Project Files Download Page

Test Case

This test case simulates a simplified IC engine geometry with a nonreacting steady-state flow. See Figure 203: Sketch of the geometry with the static volume refinement region. The valve is fixed in the open position and has a seat of 4 mm, the expansion ratio is 3.5 and there is no swirl. A static volume refinement is present around the jet region to better capture the recirculation, while Solution Adaptive Mesh refinements (SAM) are activated based on the velocity gradient (see the table below for details). The turbulence model settings are the default for all parameters for both LES and Standard k-ϵ while the LES simulation is initialized using the RANS solution. The resulting velocity profiles and their fluctuations in Figure 204: Normalized axial velocity at z = 20 mm, Figure 205: Normalized axial velocity fluctuation at z = 20 mm, and Figure 206: Normalized axial velocity at z = 70 mm are compared to the laser doppler anemometry experimental measurements (Thobois 2004).

Figure 203: Sketch of the geometry with the static volume refinement region

Sketch of the geometry with the static volume refinement region


Test case properties
FluidReynoldsQmWbulkPoutletValve liftLLuDDiDe
N2300000.055 kg/s65 m/s101.3 kPa10 mm300 mm104 mm60 mm17 mm34 mm
Simulation Settings
LES modelRANS modelSAM on ∇VelMesh sizeMAXRefinement levelTot n. cells
Dynamic SmagorinskyStd-kϵ0.5 mm4 mm0.5 mm3.3 M

Results Comparison

Figure 204: Normalized axial velocity at z = 20 mm

Normalized axial velocity at z = 20 mm


Figure 205: Normalized axial velocity fluctuation at z = 20 mm

Normalized axial velocity fluctuation at z = 20 mm


Figure 206: Normalized axial velocity at z = 70 mm

Normalized axial velocity at z = 70 mm