Locating the Python Executable

Note:  Complete this procedure if you have installed Distributed Compute Gateway (DCG) without using the Ansys unified installer. Otherwise, skip to the next procedure.

Python is required for HPC services to function. If you are setting up DCG without the unified installer, create a system-level environment variable named HPC_PYTHON_EXE and set the value to the location of the Python executable.

For example:

HPC_PYTHON_EXE=E:\ANSYS Inc\v251\DCG\FTS\CPython\3_7\winx64\Release\python\python.exe



Note:  After you have activated DCG for the first time by following the instructions in Starting the DCG Portal, the value of the system environment variable does not matter. Once the start command is run, the value of the environment variable is loaded into the [RSMInstall]/bin/HPCServices/serviceHost_environment.txt file. After that, each time DCG is restarted, it reads and obtains the value from this file.