Ansys Chemkin has the added flexibility to incorporate user programming for certain terms in equations solved in Chemkin, or to parameterize time- or distance-dependent variables. Templates for each of the user subroutine options are provided in the standard Chemkin installation, under the subdirectory user_routines, that is,
For Windows/Win64:
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\reaction\chemkinpro.win64\user_routines
For Linux8664:
There are two types of User Subroutine options:
For Reactor Model user routines, in addition to programming, compiling, and linking code into the application programs, users must also specifically select the use of the user-subroutine option, either through the appropriate Ansys Chemkin interface input panel, or through manually adding keywords to a Reactor Model input file. Similarly, for utility or reaction-rate user routines, users must explicitly include auxiliary information in the Gas-phase Kinetics or Surface Kinetics input file that activates the user subroutine.