An operating point case has workspaces similar to those of a multi-configuration run, described in Multi-Configuration Run History Page.
A sample run history page is shown below:

You can export operating point data from the operating point parameter table in CFX-Solver Manager. Simply right-click a table cell and select the type of file to export under the Export Table Data as CSV submenu.
The available CSV types are:
CSV — a basic .csv file that can be imported into Microsoft Excel. The file has a single header followed by data.
CFX Profile — a profile file (.csv) with CFX headers.
Workbench Design Points — a Workbench design point .csv file with headers.
You can also export operating point data from the operating point parameter table in CFD-Post. For details, see CFD-Post Operating Points Viewer in the CFD-Post User's Guide.
Note: For an operating point run that has been continued from a previous .mres file, the table in the run history page will show the previous values for input and output parameters – even if they have changed in the new run – until the operating point has been rerun. Absence of the run status for a given operating point means that the operating point has not yet been rerun and its values could change if it is rerun.
For modeling information, see Operating Maps and Operating Point Cases in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.