Each of the subsections of this section contains one or more tables that list field variables. In general, variables may be defined in CFX-Pre, viewed in CFD-Post, and exported. Many variables are relevant only for specific physical models.
The information given in the tables includes:
Long Variable Name: The name that you see in the user interface. This name may be used in CEL expressions.
Short Variable Name: A shorter name that may be used in CEL expressions.
Units: The default units for the variable. An empty entry [ ] indicates a dimensionless variable.
Note: The entries in the Units columns are SI but could as easily be any other system of units.
In the Availability column:
A number represents the user level (1 indicates that the variable appears in default lists, 2 and 3 indicate that the variable appears in extended lists that you see when you click
). This number is useful when using the CFX Export facility. For details, see File Export Utility in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide. Note that the CFX-Solver may sometimes override the user-level setting depending on the physics of the problem. In these cases, the User Level may be different from that shown in the tables that follow.
Boundary (B): A B in this column indicates that the variable contains only non-zero values on the boundary of the model. See Boundary-Value-Only Variables in the CFD-Post User's Guide for more details.
Boundary-Value-Only Variables in the CFD-Post User's Guide describes the useful things that you can do with variables that are defined only on the boundaries of the model.
A indicates the variable is available for mesh adaption
C indicates the variable is available in CEL
DT indicates the variable is available for data transfer to Ansys
M indicates the variable is available for monitoring
P indicates the variable is available for particle user-routine argument lists
PR indicates the variable is available for particle results
R indicates the variable is available to be output to the results, transient results, and backup files
RA indicates the variable is available for radiation results
TS indicates the variable is available for transient statistics
Definition: Defines the variable.
This is not a complete list of variables. Information on obtaining details on all variables is available in RULES and VARIABLES Files in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.