2.6. Starting Ansys CFX Components from the Command Line

The components of Ansys CFX can all be started from the command line. A command consists of the path to the command, the command name, and various arguments, many of which are optional.

For example, to start up CFX-Pre and play a session file named StaticMixer.pre, open a terminal window and enter the command:

<CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5pre -play StaticMixer.pre

where <CFXROOT> is the path to your installation of CFX, for example C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V251\CFX on Windows.

The following table lists some of the commands you can use to start Ansys CFX components:

  • To display a full list of all the possible arguments and a short description for any command, type the command followed by -help. For example:

    cfdpost -help

  • Typing the argument -verbose after a command launches the software specified and displays a summary of the currently set environment variables.

  • Ansys CFX Launcher provides a command line with a preset path to the Ansys CFX executables. From the launcher, select Tools > Command Line. For details, see Command Line.

  • You can append the path to the Ansys CFX executables to your Windows PATH.

    1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties.

    2. Click the Advanced tab.

    3. Click Environment Variables.

    4. In the System variables pane, select Path and click Edit.

    5. Append the path to the Ansys CFX executables to the Variable value field. For example:

      C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\CFX\bin;

    6. Click OK as required to set the new path and close the dialog boxes.

  • You can append the path to the Ansys CFX executables to your UNIX search path.