To launch Ansys Workbench on Windows, click the Start menu, then select All Programs > Ansys 2025 R1 > Workbench 2025 R1.
To launch Ansys Workbench on Linux, open a command line interface, type the path to "runwb2" (for example, "~/ansys_inc/v251/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2"), then press Enter.
The Ansys Workbench interface is organized to make it easy to choose the tool set that will enable you to solve particular types of problems. Once you have chosen a system from the Toolbox and moved it into the Project Schematic, supporting features such as Properties and Messages provide orienting information. These features and the status indicators in the system cells guide you through the completion of the System steps.

The following sections describe the main Ansys Workbench features.