For a transient results file, the Timestep Selector dialog box enables you to load the results for different timesteps by selecting the timestep and clicking Apply.
When reading transient cases, CFD-Post re-reads and re-imports the mesh, if the transient file contains them. This feature enables CFD-Post to support transient rotor/stator problems, as well as moving-mesh cases.
When CFD-Post reads a transient blade row results file, the variables are reconstructed automatically and the flow solution time is taken to the last time step. By default, the Simulation Timestep option is used in the Timestep Selector, and includes the timesteps used in the CFX-Solver. It is possible to recreate this timestep list by selecting a different Timestep Sampling option, and the solution will be accordingly reconstructed for these new time location.
Note: All variables will always appear in the variables list for all transient files, even if the transient file does not contain some of the variables. If you have the Load missing variables from nearest FULL timestep option selected (Edit > Options > Files > Transient Cases), then the missing variable data will be loaded from the nearest full timestep. Otherwise, the data will be colored with the undefined color in these cases.
The following list describes the column headings in the list box. Some of these columns also appear in the Case Comparison editor in CFD-Post.
The Configuration column indicates the configuration name as set in CFX-Pre. This column appears when you have a multi-configuration (.mres) file loaded.
The # column displays the index number for the timestep. These values always begin at 1 and increase by 1.
The Step column displays the timestep number, which is used for synchronization by time step. These values always increase; because they are unique, they can be used in scripts.
For most cases, the values in the Step column are the same as those in the Solver Step column. However, if you have a multi-configuration case or a case with run history, loaded using the Load complete history as: A single case option (described in Load Results Command), then the Step is calculated to give a unique, increasing value through all the configurations. It differs from index because it can maintain a consistent value even though (for example) some transient files (.trn) that were present when the run completed are no longer available. (For example, suppose that a case has transient files at three timesteps and these appear in CFD-Post as steps 1, 2, and 3. If you delete the middle transient file, CFD-Post will show entries in the timestep selector at steps 1 and 3, but not 2. If a script was loading step 3, it will load the same results as previously.) Note, however, that if an entire results file (.res) that is referenced by the multi-configuration results file (or the run history) is no longer available, Step cannot maintain a consistent value for the remaining entries in the timestep selector. For example, if you load just Step 10, you will not necessarily get the same results loaded at the same timestep as you would have if you had loaded Step 10 before you deleted the .res file.
The Solver Step column displays the solver timestep or outer iteration number. In multi-configuration cases, the solver step may not always increase across different cases and may not be unique.
Solver Step can be used in expressions. Timestep-related expressions such as Current Time Step and Accumulated Time Step refer to the Solver Step.
The Time [s] column shows the real time duration corresponding to the timestep. The units are always seconds.
The Type list displays the
results file corresponding to that timestep.The Phase column appears for transient blade row cases. For details, see Using the Timestep Selector with Transient Blade Row Cases.
The Crank Angle column appears for internal combustion engine simulations. It displays the crank angle at each associated time step. The crank angle is calculated by multiplying the time by the rotation speed of the crank.
The following icons/commands appear on the right side of the dialog box and/or the shortcut menu accessible by right-clicking on a timestep in the list box.
Icon/Command | Description |
Switch To | Selects the timestep. Same as double-clicking the timestep. |
![]() | Opens the Add Timestep Files window, which enables you to select one or more results files and load them into the memory. |
![]() | Only applies when there are added timesteps. This command enables you to delete added timesteps from the timestep selector. |
![]() | Opens the Animation dialog box. For details, see Animation. |