2. Document Conventions

This section describes the conventions used in this document to distinguish between text, filenames, system messages, and input that you need to type.

File and Directory Names

Filenames and directory names appear in a plain fixed-width font (for example, /usr/lib). On Linux, directory names are separated by forward slashes (/), but on Windows, backslashes are used (\). For example, a directory name on Linux might be /CFX/bin whereas on a Windows system, the same directory would be named \CFX\bin.

User Input

Input to be typed verbatim is shown using the following convention:

mkdir /usr/local/cfx

Input Substitution

Input substitution is shown using the following convention:

cfx5post -batch <batch_file>

you should actually type cfx5post -batch and substitute a batch-file name for <batch_file>.

Optional Arguments

Optional arguments are shown using square brackets:

cfx5export -cgns [-verbose] <file>

Here the argument -verbose is optional, but you must specify a suitable filename.

Long Commands

Commands that are too long to display on a printed page are shown with "\" characters at the ends of intermediate lines:

cfx5export -cgns [-boundary] [-corrected] [-C] \ 
 [-domain <number>] [-geometry] [-help] [-name <file>] \
 [-summary] [-timestep <number>] [-user <level>] [-norotate] \
 [-boundaries-as-nodes|-boundaries-as-faces] [-verbose] <file>

On a Linux system, you may type the "\" characters, pressing Enter after each. However, on a Windows machine you must enter the whole command without the "\" characters; continue typing if the command is too long to fit in the command prompt window and press Enter only at the end of the complete command.


The installation directory for CFD-Post, which differs depending on whether it installed with Ansys CFX. The default installation directory for CFD-Post without Ansys CFX is:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\CFD-Post
Operating System Names

When we refer to objects that depend on the type of system being used, we will use one of the following symbols in the text:

<os> refers to the short form of the name that CFX uses to identify the operating system in question. <os> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory depend on the operating system but do not depend on the release of the operating system or on the processor type. Wherever you see <os> in the text you should substitute with the operating system name. The correct value can be determined by running:

<CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfx5info -os

<arch> refers to the long form of the name that CFX uses to identify the system architecture in question. <arch> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory depend on the operating system and on the release of the operating system or the processor type. Wherever you see <arch> in the text you should substitute the appropriate value for your system, which can be determined by running the command:

<CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfx5info -arch