- Selection Criteria
By Elem Name: Select elements that have a previously defined [ET] name or number.
Adjacent to: Select elements that are adjacent to the specified element. Only elements of the same dimensionality adjacent to lateral faces are considered. Progression continues until edge of model or until more than two elements are adjacent at a face.
- Element Name
Element number to which the selected elements are to be adjacent (for example, SOLID185 or 185).
- Selection Function Setting
From Full: Select a new set of entities from the entire model.
Reselect: Replace the current set of entities with a subset of those entities.
Also Select: Select additional entities to add to the currently selected set of entities.
Unselect: Unselect entities from the currently selected set of entities.
- Selection Function Action
Selection function actions execute immediately.
: Select all entities.
: Unselect the currently selected set of entities, and select the currently unselected set of entities.
: Unselect all entities.
: Selects all items directly associated with and below the selected items of the specified entity type.
- Action Buttons
Options within your current window that are not selected will not be plotted. You can act upon the unselected options using Selection Function Settings: From Full or Also Select.
NPLOT occurs.
: If you press the button, an entity plot occurs for the entity that is featured on the drop down. For instance, if the drop down displays "Nodes", an/REPLOT" command. If your most recent plot was an "EPLOT", then pressing reissues the EPLOT command.
: If you press the button, Mechanical APDL issues a "