- Entity Type
- Selection Criteria
- Attached to
Select entities that are attached to other entities. You must select entities to be used in defining attachment criteria before entering this dialog box.
- Attachment Criteria
Nodes: Select entities [ESLN, KSLN] based on their connectivity to the currently selected set of nodes.
Nodes, all: Select entities [ESLN] that are fully defined by nodes in the currently selected set of nodes.
Elements: Select all entities [NSLE] contained in the currently selected set of elements.
Keypoints: Select all entities [NSLK, LSLK] contained in the currently selected set of keypoints.
Keypoints, all: Select entities [LSLK] only if all of each lines keypoints are in the currently selected set of keypoints.
ESLL, ASLL, KSLL] contained in the currently selected set of lines.
: Select entities [Lines, all: Select all entities [NSLL, ASLL] contained in the currently selected set of lines.
Lines, interior: Select all entities [NSLL] contained in the currently selected set of lines, except those at the endpoints of the lines.
Areas: Select entities [ESLA, LSLA, VSLA] contained in the currently selected set of areas.
Areas, all: Select all entities [NSLA, VSLA] contained within the currently selected set of areas.
Areas, interior: Select all entities [NSLA] contained within the currently selected set of areas, except those on the edges of the areas.
Volumes: Select entities [ESLV, ASLV] based on those currently meshed in the currently selected set of volumes.
Volumes, all: Select all entities [NSLV] contained within the currently selected set of volumes.
Volumes, interior: Select all entities [NSLV] contained within the currently selected set of volumes, except those on the exterior surfaces of the volumes.
- Selection Function Setting
From Full: Select a new set of entities from the entire model.
Reselect: Replace the current set of entities with a subset of those entities.
Also Select: Select additional entities to add to the currently selected set of entities.
Unselect: Unselect entities from the currently selected set of entities.
- Selection Function Action
Selection function actions execute immediately.
: Select all entities.
: Unselect the currently selected set of entities, and select the currently unselected set of entities.
: Unselect all entities.
: Selects all items directly associated with and below the selected items of the specified entity type.
- Action Buttons
Options within your current window that are not selected will not be plotted. You can act upon the unselected options using Selection Function Settings: From Full or Also Select.
NPLOT occurs.
: If you press the button, an entity plot occurs for the entity that is featured on the drop down. For instance, if the drop down displays "Nodes", an/REPLOT" command. If your most recent plot was an "EPLOT", then pressing reissues the EPLOT command.
: If you press the button, Mechanical APDL issues a "