- Mechanical APDL Function
Defines variables for POST26. This dialog box lets you define variables for further postprocessing in POST26, the Time History postprocessor. Variables are tables of result items versus time (or frequency). The first step in POST26 is to define these variables [FORCE, SHELL, LAYER, NSOL, ESOL, RFORCE, GAPF, and SOLU]. As you define a variable, it is given a reference number which you will use to denote that variable in future postprocessing.
- List
Lists results variables you have defined. The column headings are as follows:
Variable: Variable reference number (greater than 1) assigned by Mechanical APDL. Reference number 1 is reserved for Time.
Type: Type of results data defined (NSOL, ESOL, etc.).
Elem: Element number of variable data.
Node: Node number of variable data.
Item: Item label for the type of data being defined (EPEL for elastic strain, TF for thermal flux, etc.).
Comp: Component (if required) for the Item listed above.
Name: User-defined name for each variable. If you don't define a name, Mechanical APDL gives the variable a name based on the Item and Comp labels.
- Action Buttons
Defined variables will be listed in the "Currently Defined Specifications" section as defined with the
, , or buttons.