
Surface Impedance for a Single Poroelastic Layer


Reference: Atalla, N. et al. "A Mixed Displacement-Pressure Formulation for poroelastic Materials." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1998: 1444-1452.
Analysis Type(s): Harmonic (ANTYPE = 3)
Element Type(s): 3D 20-node Acoustic Solid (FLUID220)
Input Listing: vm306.dat

VM306 requires a supplemental .cdb input file which is too long to include full input listings. This file must be downloaded and placed in your working directory for the test case to run properly. Additionally, the geometry and mesh should be regenerated.

Download link: Mechanical APDL Test Case Files for 2025 R1


Test Case

A laterally infinite glass wool layer attached onto a rigid impervious wall is modeled as a brick with the lateral displacements set to zero to simulate the laterally infinite extent. A normal incidence plane wave of unit amplitude is loaded on the surface of the glass wool. The surface impedance of the glass wool is calculated and compared with the reference solution. Determine the surface impedance of the glass wool.

Figure 556: Surface Impedance Problem Sketch

Surface Impedance Problem Sketch

Material Properties Geometric Properties Loading

Speed of sound = 342.2m/s

Density = 1.21 kg/m3

Young’s modulus = 4400 kPa

Poisson’s ratio, ν = 0.0

Fluid resistivity = 4000 Ns/m4

Porosity = 0.94

Tortuosity = 1.06

Viscous characteristic length = 0.56e-4 m

Thermal characteristic length = 1.10e-4 m

Bulk density of solid phase = 130 kg/m3

Loss factor of elasticity moduli = 0.1

Biot’s coefficient = 1.0

Bulk modulus of the elastic solid = 0 Pa


h = 10 cm

Normal incidence plane wave acoustic pressure

P = 1 Pa

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The harmonic analysis is conducted within 1200 Hz frequency range and completed in four substeps. The four acoustic surface impedances at different frequencies are acquired and compared with the reference.

Results Comparison

Frequencies (Hz) TargetMechanical APDL Ratio
300 1425 1426 1.002
600 1142 1141 0.999
900 935 936 1.001
1200 818 819 1.001