
Long Cylinder in a Sinusoidal Magnetic Field


Reference: C. R. I. Emson, "Electromagnetic Workshop", Report No. RAL-86-049, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chitton, Didcot, Oxon, U.K., 1986, pg. 39.
Analysis Type(s): Full Harmonic Analysis (ANTYPE = 3)
Element Type(s):
2D Coupled-Field Solid Elements (PLANE13) (Archived)
2D 8-Node Electromagnetic Solid (PLANE233)
Input Listing: vm166.dat

Test Case

A long hollow aluminum cylinder is placed in a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder and varies sinusoidally with time. Determine the magnetic flux density at the center of the cylinder and the average power loss in the cylinder.

Figure 235: Long Cylinder Problem Sketch

Long Cylinder Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
σ = 2.5380711 x 107 S/m
ri = 0.05715 m
ro = 0.06985 m
= 0.84 m
B = B(y) = B0 cos ωt
where Bo = 0.1T,
ω = 60 Hz

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The external radial boundary is set at   = 0.84 m. The applied external field is calculated as B(y) = - δA / δx, so at  θ = 0 and r = , A = -Bor = -.084. The vector potential A varies along as Aθ = -Bor cos θ.

The cylinder is assumed to be infinitely long, thus end effects are ignored allowing for a two-dimensional planar analysis. The problem can be modeled in quarter symmetry with the flux-parallel (A = 0) boundary condition at x = 0, and the flux-normal (natural) boundary condition at y = 0. The average power loss in the cylinder is calculated from the real and imaginary power loss density (JHEAT) terms available in the database:

when n is the number of elements in the aluminum cylinder, Vi is the element volume (per-unit-depth). A fine mesh is defined in the cylinder for accurate calculation of the power loss.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Bx (0,0), T0 + j00 + j01.0
By (0,0), T-0.0018 - j0.0210-0.0019 - j0.021401.043, 1.018
Power Loss, W/m22882341.30411.023
Bx (0,0), T0 + j00 + j01.0,1.0
By (0,0), T-0.0018 - j0.0210 -0.0018 - j0.0212 0.992, 1.007
Power Loss, W/m2288 2315.21281.012