The coupled pore-pressure thermal elements used in analyses involving porous media are listed in Coupled Pore-Pressure-Thermal Element Support.
The program models porous media containing fluid by treating the porous media as a multiphase material and applying an extended version of Biot's consolidation theory. The flow is considered to be a single-phase fluid. The porous media can be fully or partially saturated.[[426]][[432]] Optionally, heat transfer in the porous media can also be considered.
Following are the governing equations for Biot consolidation problems with heat transfer:
(10–112) |
σ | = | Total Cauchy stress |
| = | = matrix differentiation operator (3D form shown) |
= | Bulk density of porous media | |
= | Displacement | |
= | Bulk specific weight of porous media | |
= | Gravity load direction (not to be confused with gravity magnitude) | |
= | Flow flux vector | |
= | = Gradient operator (3D form shown) | |
= | Biot coefficient | |
| = | Volumetric strain of the solid skeleton |
= | Pore pressure | |
= | Compressibility parameter | |
= | Degree of saturation of fluid | |
= | Free strain | |
= | Temperature | |
= | Density-specific heat term | |
= | Porosity | |
= | Density of solid skeleton and fluid | |
= | Specific heats of solid skeleton and fluid | |
= | Thermal conductivity |
The total stress relates to the effective stress and pore pressure by:
= Second-order identity tensor |
The relationship between the effective stress and the elastic strain of solid skeletons is given by:
= Second-order elastic strain tensor |
= Fourth-order elasticity tensor |
The relationship between the fluid flow flux and the pore pressure is described by Darcy's Law:
= second-order permeability tensor |
= relative permeability |
= specific weight of fluid |
For displacement , pressure , and temperature as the unknown degrees of freedom, linearizing the governing equations gives:
(10–113) |
The matrices are:
= domain |
= strain-displacement operator matrix |
= displacement interpolation |
= pressure interpolation |
= temperature interpolation |
= thermal load vector |
The load force vector includes the body force and surface traction boundary conditions, the vector includes the flow source, and the vector includes the heat source. ([426])
Combining the linearized equations for porous media with the equation of motion gives the matrix equation:
(10–114) |
= structural damping matrix |
The structural damping matrix can be input as Rayleigh damping (TB,SDAMP,,,,ALPD and/or TB,SDAMP,,,,BETD).
Additional Information
For related information, see the following documentation: