The cylindrical indenter and flat slab are made of titanium alloy, Ti-6AL-4V. The Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, yield strength, and ultimate strength are taken from the experimental paper of Jin and Mall [2]. All of the following properties are taken from the reference by Madge, Leen, and Shipway [1]:
Fatigue strength coefficient
Fatigue strength exponent
Fatigue ductility coefficient
Wear coefficient
Friction coefficient
The cyclic strain hardening exponent (n’ ϵ [0.1 0.2]) and the cyclic strength coefficient (K’) are chosen as fitting parameters to predict the experimental results for the 0.000 mm applied sliding stroke. The fretting life parameter was specified using the Material Manager in nCode.

For this analysis, the name of the material input file is Ti6Al4V.mxd and the material properties used for the strain-life analysis are listed in the following screenshot: