Surface-to-surface contact modeling is demonstrated in the following example problems in the Technology Showcase:
a rectangular block being shaped by a set of rollers: Hot-Rolling Structural Steel Analysis with 3D Rezoning
frictional contact between a break pad and disk: Brake Squeal Analysis
a rubber boot seal: Nonlinear Analysis of a Rubber Boot Seal
a coil spring between two blocks: Underconstrained Coil Spring Under Compression
a flange on a panel: Delamination of a Stiffened Composite Panel Under a Compressive Load
a glass veneer on a ceramic core denture: Viscoelastic Analysis of an All-Ceramic Fixed Partial Denture (FPD)
embankment layers: Sequential Construction of an Embankment on a Clay Layer
a billet and die: Hydrostatic Extrusion of Hyperelastic-Plastic Material
a disk and fan blade: Inverse-Solving Analysis of a Rotor Fan Blade with Disk
solder joints on a chip: Elastoplastic Creep Analysis of Lead-Free Solder Bumps
a shroud and an impeller: Centrifugal Impeller Analysis Using Cyclic Symmetry and Linear Perturbation
Forced-Response Analysis of a Mistuned Bladed Disk with Aerodamping
Multi-Filar Coil Inside a Tube Modeled with Beam-to-Beam Contact
integrated circuit packages on a circuit board: Dynamic Simulation of a Printed Circuit Board Assembly Using Modal Analysis Methods
bearings: Rotordynamics of a Shaft Assembly Based on a Representative Model of Nelson-Vaugh Rotor
soil-structure interactions: Suction Pile Analysis
a tire and the road: Hydrostatic Fluid Analysis of an Inflating and Rolling Tire
a tire and its rim as well as the tire and the road: Tire Performance Simulation