The manuals listed below form the Workbench product documentation set.
Workbench User's Guide is the user guide for working with Ansys Workbench, which is used to perform various types of structural, thermal, fluid, and electromagnetic analyses. The entire simulation process is tied together by a project schematic, from which you can interact with applications that are native to Ansys Workbench or launch applications that are data-integrated with Ansys Workbench. Ansys Workbench includes bi-directional CAD connectivity, highly-automated meshing, a project-level update mechanism, pervasive parameter management, and integrated optimization tools. Related video help can be found on the Ansys How To Videos page. |
DesignXplorer User's Guide provides instructions for working with ANSYS DesignXplorer, a probabilistic design application that describes the relationship between design variables and the performance of the product. DesignXplorer offers multiple Design of Experiments types to determine the location of sampling points, various Response Surface meta-models to represent the simulation's responses, Parameters Correlation for the identification of key parameters, Optimization algorithms for the identification of design candidates, and Six-Sigma analysis for robustness analysis. Graphic tools such as surfaces, curves, sensitivity or scatter plots, correlation and determination matrices, tradeoff plots, and parallel charts provide a visual method of conducting in-depth exploration and optimization of a design. Related video help can be found on the Ansys How To Videos page. |
Engineering Data User's Guide guides you through the use of our Engineering Data. Engineering Data is a resource for material properties used in an analysis system. Engineering Data can be used as a repository for company or department data, such as material data libraries. The Engineering Data workspace is designed to allow you to create, save, and retrieve material models, as well as to create libraries of data that can be saved and used in subsequent projects and by other users. |
System Coupling User's Guide describes how to use the CoSim component to control otherwise independent physics solvers so that they work together in a coupled analysis such as Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI). Related video help can be found on the Ansys How To Videos page. |