Thermal Desktop Documentation

The manuals listed below form the Thermal Desktop product documentation set. They include descriptions of the procedures and theoretical details needed to use Thermal Desktop products.

Thermal Desktop Installation and Licensing Guide describes the instllation process for Thermal Desktop, which includes SINDA/FLUINT (solver), RadCAD, FloCAD, and TD Direct.
Thermal Desktop Suite Thermal Desktop Suite includes TD Direct for geometry craetion, Sinda Solver and modules to simulate radiation exchange and orbital environments and fluid flow.
TD Direct User's Manual TD Direct, is a tool for generating Thermal Desktop models directly from CAD geometry. Geometry may be imported from external systems such as Pro/E, SolidWorks, Catia, and NX, as well as STEP and IGES formats.
Thermal Desktop User's Manual is a program that allows you to quickly build, analyze, and postprocess sophisticated thermal models. Thermal Desktop takes advantage of abstract network, finite difference, and finite element modeling methods.
SINDA/FLUINT User's Manual The Thermal Desktop User's Manual is the primary reference for program usage.
Thermal Desktop Tutorials The Thermal Desktop Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials that teach you how to use Thermal Desktop to solve different types of problems. In each tutorial, features related to problem setup and postprocessing are demonstrated.