Aqwa Documentation

The manuals listed below form the Ansys Aqwa product documentation set. They include descriptions of the procedures, commands, elements, and theoretical details needed to perform Hydrodynamic analyses with Aqwa. A brief description of each manual follows.

Aqwa User's Manual describes how to perform a hydrodynamic analysis from the Workbench user interface, which displays when a Hydrodynamic system is opened from the Workbench Project Schematic. Aqwa provides an engineering toolset for the investigation of the effects of wave, wind and current on floating and fixed offshore and marine structures.
Aqwa Reference Manual describes the input data format for the programs in the Aqwa suite.
Aqwa Theory Manual contains information on the application, theory, and implementation of hydrodynamics equations in the Aqwa solver.
Aqwa AQL Manual contains information about AQL, an interface from Aqwa to Excel. It is intended to facilitate the development of Excel spreadsheets that require data from Aqwa databases.
Aqwa Graphical Supervisor User's Guide describes the use of the Aqwa Graphical Supervisor.
Aqwa2Neut Manual describes the use of the Aqwa Graphical Supervisor.
AqwaReader Manual contains information about AqwaReader, a stand-alone program run from the Windows command line which allows you to navigate through an Aqwa database file and extract results from it.
AqwaFlow Manual contains information about AqwaFlow, a post-processor which reads in the database created by a preceding Aqwa-Line analysis and calculates the flow parameters at user specified locations within the flow field.
AqwaWave Manual contains information on AqwaWave, which transfers wave loads on fixed or floating structures (calculated by the radiation/diffraction program Aqwa-Line) to a finite element structural analysis package.