6.7. Additive Manufacturing

Additive Simulations in the Mechanical Application

  • Distortion Compensation Add-on

    • When using the Distortion Compensation Add-on with Iterative Compensation, errors may occur if the Length Units on the Geometry object are not in meters. This may affect .stl files that are in non-meter units as well as geometries from 3MF imports because that operation generates an .stl file. (1188924)

      Update: Defect 1188924 has been fixed in Service Pack 2 (2025 R1.02). Geometries may be in a unit system of your choosing.

Additive Prep

  • No known issues, limitations, or documentation inaccuracies.

Additive Print and Additive Science

  • No known issues, limitations, or documentation inaccuracies.