The following are known issues and limitations for Ansys Mechanical ™ for release 2025 R1.
Exporting to Ansys Sound (Sound SAS)
The option, Export to Ansys Sound, used to export a result from the Mechanical application in *.xml format for use in the Ansys Sound application currently has an issue. The generated *.xml file does not open automatically in Ansys Sound and the application displays an error message. However, from Ansys Sound SAS, you can open the exported file using the File > Sound generation option. (1178952)
Restarting a Smart Crack Growth Analysis Using My Computer, Background
In certain conditions, if you interrupt the solution process of a SMART Crack Growth analysis, the Load Step and Substep properties of the Restart Analysis category of the Analysis Settings, incorrectly display the last available restart point. This issue affects SMART Crack Growth analyses that:
Includes a loading, such as Displacement or Pressure, condition that is scoped to a node-based Named Selection and whose Preserve During Solve property is set to No.
Has the Restart Type property (Analysis Settings > Restart Analysis Settings) set to Program Controlled.
Specifies the My Computer, Background Solver Handler option.
To avoid this issue, use the My Computer setting, which resets the Load Step and Substep properties to Initial, given the above conditions. (1167636)
Acoustic Velocity Interpolation Issue
If you solve an acoustic-based analysis, that includes a Velocity or Mass Source excitation, at a frequency that requires interpolation of the phase angle, the interpolated phase angle and results may be inaccurate. (1123388)
Windows 11 Version 24H2
The Ansys Mechanical application may display script errors if run on the unsupported 24H2 build of Windows 11. Ansys recommends that you do not install this Windows build if you are using Ansys Mechanical. The service pack for the current release will include corrections for this issue. (1177731)
Updating Structural Optimization Projects in Workbench using RSM/HPC Solution Setting
When specifying the Solution Process properties for a Structural Optimization analysis, if you set the Update Option property to Remote Solver Manager and the HPC Type property to Windows HPC, the Update Project option will fail if selected. (1145309)
Structural Optimization RSM License Requirements
If you are solving a Structural Optimization analysis using the Remote Solve Manager (RSM) on a Windows HPC cluster, the application requires the use of an additional, and available, license, in order to complete the solution. (270515)
Imported Body Temperature Loads in Kelvin
When you have the Accelerated Graphics feature turned on, you may see incorrect values in the graphics display (legend display in the Geometry window) for imported temperature loads that are using the Kelvin unit system.
You can address this issue by setting the Accelerated Graphics for Body Load Display (Options > Graphics > Performance) preference to No. However, this setting could result in degraded processing performance.
If you want to keep Accelerated Graphics active, you can change the unit system for the temperature display to Celsius prior to importing the temperature load or prior to selecting the Imported Temperature Load object, if you are resuming a project that includes an imported temperature load. (1164682)
Mechanical Add-ons
If the Restart Analysis Add-on is loaded, some invalid Mechanical systems may be validated. To reduce the risk of inaccuracies, ensure that your setup configuration is indeed valid. (1034070)
When beam or spring connections are created using the 1D Connection Group (Connections Manager Extension) and there are associated remote point objects, these remote points must be suppressed or deleted separately when the associated connection objects are suppressed or deleted. (1048375)
The Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) calculation in the NVH Toolkit Add-on can give incorrect values in cases where a material is non-isotropic or when a CMS is part of the model. The mass scaling is not performed for such cases. Check your results carefully. (1116783)
Difference Between Surface and Bulk Temperature in Tables for Convection Boundary Conditions
If you are using a table to specify the magnitude of a temperature-dependent film coefficient, you cannot add or modify values for the independent variable Difference Between Surface and Bulk Temperature. This applies if you are manually creating, importing, and editing the table within the Mechanical application's user interface. It does not apply if you are using the Mechanical API to perform these operations.
The work-around in the Mechanical application is as follows:
Choose one of the other temperature-related independent variables for that column of data when you import, manually create, or edit the table. For example, you could select Temperature instead of Difference Between Surface and Bulk Temperature.
Continue adding the table or updating the data in that column as you normally would.
When you finish, change the variable assignment for that column to Difference Between Surface and Bulk Temperature. (1176348)
Importing a STEP File Requires rdpara Licensing Increment
Importing a STEP file (*.stp or *.step) into Mechanical 2025 R1 requires the rdpara licensing increment. Workaround: Use Mechanical 2024 R2 to import the STEP file or use a Mechanical 2025 R1 license that includes the rdpara license feature. (1207849)