7.1. Running FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect Separately on Linux/UNIX

Use the instructions in this section to start the Licensing Interconnect and manage FlexNet and the Licensing Interconnect separately on Linux/UNIX systems.

On each license server, start the Licensing Interconnect with the following command:

ansysli_server  -cacheflexlic  -noflex  -c  /FlexNet/ansys/license/license_files/

Replace /FlexNet/ansys/license/license_files in the above example with the actual directory path to the license files and or the file name of the FlexNet license file; either directory path or file name is valid. This step applies to both single servers and triads.

You should start FlexNet in the same manner as you usually do. It does not matter whether FlexNet or the Licensing Interconnect is started first.

Note that each time you reread FlexNet, you also need to reread the Licensing Interconnect.

You can also specify startup options using the ansyslmd.ini file, as described in Specify Startup Options via the ansyslmd.ini File.