Autodyn is made available on Linux operating systems using Intel MPI or OpenMPI as the parallel message passing protocol. In what follows, we assume that Autodyn and Intel MPI files are installed on host1, in a directory named /usr/ansys_inc/, and that this directory is NFS mounted on all other hosts (with the same mount point). To NFS mount this directory, add the following line to the file /etc/fstab on each host (except host1):
host1: /usr/ansys_inc/ /usr/ansys_inc/ nfs defaults 0 0
/etc/fstab may have a different name for other Linux systems.
Following the normal installation procedures for Autodyn products, all Autodyn files will be installed in /usr/ansys_inc/v251/autodyn/. In particular, the Autodyn master and worker executables (autodyn and adworker) will reside in the directory /usr/ansys_inc/v251/autodyn/bin/linx64.
After installing Autodyn and MPI on all the cluster machines, the environment variable I_MPI_ROOT (Intel MPI) or OPAL_PREFIX (OpenMPI) can be set to the directory where MPI is installed and the path to the I_MPI_ROOT/bin or OPAL_PREFIX/bin directory added to the PATH environment variable. These changes are not required to run Autodyn in parallel, but when set they will override the defaults used by Autodyn.
Note: The recommended method of running an Autodyn job using MPI is by using the AUTODYNWRAPPER.exe file, which is described in Running Autodyn in Batch Mode on Linux Platforms. The alternative methods of starting an Autodyn parallel job give you the ability to add other MPI options that are not supported by AUTODYNWRAPPER.exe, but should only be used if those MPI options are needed.