Defines a SolutionInformation.
Declaration Syntax
public class SolutionInformation : DataModelObject, ISupportChartOptions, IFolderDataModelObject
Table 336: Members
Property | ActivateVisibility |
Gets or sets the ActivateVisibility. |
Property | Children |
Gets the list of children. |
Property | Comments |
Gets the list of associated comments. |
Property | Component |
Gets or sets the Component. |
Property | DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
Property | Display |
Gets or sets the Display. |
Property | DisplayFilterDuringSolve |
Gets or sets the DisplayFilterDuringSolve. |
Property | DisplayPoints |
Gets or sets the DisplayPoints. |
Property | DisplayType |
Gets or sets the DisplayType. |
Property | DrawConnectionsAttachedTo |
Gets or sets the DrawConnectionsAttachedTo. |
Property | EnvironmentSelection |
Gets or Sets the EnvironmentSelection to an Analysis object. |
Property | Figures |
Gets the list of associated figures. |
Property | IdentifyElementViolations |
Gets or sets the IdentifyElementViolations. |
Property | Images |
Gets the list of associated images. |
Property | InternalObject |
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
Property | LineColor |
Gets or sets the LineColor. |
Property | LineThickness |
Gets or sets the LineThickness. |
Property | ModeNumber |
Gets or sets the ModeNumber. |
Property | NewtonRaphsonResiduals |
Gets or sets the NewtonRaphsonResiduals. |
Property | ResponseConstraint |
Gets or sets the ResponseConstraint. |
Property | ShowChargeResiduals |
Gets or sets the ShowChargeResiduals. |
Property | ShowHeatResiduals |
Gets or sets the ShowHeatResiduals. |
Property | ShowMomentResiduals |
Gets or sets the ShowMomentResiduals. |
Property | SolutionOutput |
Gets or sets the SolutionOutput. |
Property | StepNumber |
Gets or sets the StepNumber. |
Property | StepSelectionMode |
Gets or sets the StepSelectionMode. |
Property | SummaryType |
Gets or sets the SummaryType. |
Property | UpdateInterval |
Gets or sets the UpdateInterval. |
Property | VisibleOnResults |
Gets or sets the VisibleOnResults. |
Method | AddAddedMass() |
Creates a new AddedMassTracker |
Method | AddArtificialEnergy() |
Creates a new ArtificialEnergyTracker |
Method | AddChattering() |
Creates a new ContactChatteringTracker |
Method | AddClosedPenetration() |
Creates a new ContactClosedPenetrationTracker |
Method | AddComment() |
Creates a new child Comment. |
Method | AddContactDepth() |
Creates a new ContactDepthTracker |
Method | AddContactEnergy() |
Creates a new ContactEnergyTracker |
Method | AddContactForce() |
Creates a new ContactForceTracker |
Method | AddContactHeatFlux() |
Creates a new ContactHeatFluxTracker |
Method | AddContactingArea() |
Creates a new ContactingAreaTracker |
Method | AddContactMaximumNormalStiffness() |
Creates a new ContactMaximumNormalStiffnessTracker |
Method | AddContactMaxTangentialFluidPressure() |
Creates a new ContactMaxTangentialFluidPressureTracker |
Method | AddContactMinimumNormalStiffness() |
Creates a new ContactMinimumNormalStiffnessTracker |
Method | AddContactPairForceConvergenceNorm() |
Creates a new ContactPairForceConvergenceNormTracker |
Method | AddContactPressure() |
Creates a new ContactPressureTracker |
Method | AddDampingEnergy() |
Creates a new DampingEnergyTracker |
Method | AddDeformationPlotTracker() |
Creates a new TotalDeformation Plot Tracker. |
Method | AddDensity() |
Creates a new DensityTracker |
Method | AddDirectionalAcceleration() |
Creates a new DirectionalAccelerationTracker |
Method | AddDirectionalDeformation() |
Creates a new DirectionalDeformationTracker |
Method | AddDirectionalVelocity() |
Creates a new DirectionalVelocityTracker |
Method | AddEffectiveStrain() |
Creates a new EffectiveStrainTracker |
Method | AddEffectiveStress() |
Creates a new EffectiveStressTracker |
Method | AddElasticSlip() |
Creates a new ContactElasticSlipTracker |
Method | AddErodedInternalEnergy() |
Creates a new ErodedInternalEnergyTracker |
Method | AddErodedKineticEnergy() |
Creates a new ErodedKineticEnergyTracker |
Method | AddExternalForce() |
Creates a new ExternalForceTracker |
Method | AddFigure() |
Creates a new child Figure. |
Method | AddFluidPressure() |
Creates a new ContactFluidPressureTracker |
Method | AddForceReaction() |
Creates a new ForceReactionTracker |
Method | AddFrictionalDissipationEnergy() |
Creates a new ContactFrictionalDissipationEnergyTracker |
Method | AddFrictionalStress() |
Creates a new ContactFrictionalStressTracker |
Method | AddGap() |
Creates a new ContactGapTracker |
Method | AddHourglassEnergy() |
Creates a new HourglassEnergyTracker |
Method | AddImage(string) |
Creates a new child Image. If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file, if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window. |
Method | AddInternalEnergy() |
Creates a new InternalEnergyTracker |
Method | AddKineticEnergy() |
Creates a new KineticEnergyTracker |
Method | AddLatticeDensity() |
Creates a new LatticeDensity |
Method | AddLatticeElementalDensity() |
Creates a new LatticeElementalDensity |
Method | AddLSDYNAGeneralTracker() |
Creates a new LSDYNAGeneralTracker |
Method | AddMaximumDampingPressure() |
Creates a new ContactMaximumDampingPressureTracker |
Method | AddMaximumGeometricSlidingDistance() |
Creates a new ContactMaximumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker |
Method | AddMaximumTangentialStiffness() |
Creates a new ContactMaximumTangentialStiffnessTracker |
Method | AddMinimumGeometricSlidingDistance() |
Creates a new ContactMinimumGeometricSlidingDistanceTracker |
Method | AddMinimumTangentialStiffness() |
Creates a new ContactMinimumTangentialStiffnessTracker |
Method | AddMomentReaction() |
Creates a new MomentReactionTracker |
Method | AddMomentum() |
Creates a new MomentumTracker |
Method | AddNonLinearStabilizationEnergy() |
Creates a new NonLinearStabilizationEnergyTracker |
Method | AddNumberContacting() |
Creates a new NumberContactingTracker |
Method | AddNumberSticking() |
Creates a new ContactNumberStickingTracker |
Method | AddNumberWithLargePenetration() |
Creates a new ContactNumberWithLargePenetrationTracker |
Method | AddNumberWithTooMuchSliding() |
Creates a new ContactNumberWithTooMuchSlidingTracker |
Method | AddPenetration() |
Creates a new ContactPenetrationTracker |
Method | AddPlasticWork() |
Creates a new PlasticWorkTracker |
Method | AddPosition() |
Creates a new PositionTracker |
Method | AddPossibleOverconstraint() |
Creates a new ContactPossibleOverconstraintTracker |
Method | AddPressure() |
Creates a new PressureTracker |
Method | AddResultingPinball() |
Creates a new ContactResultingPinballTracker |
Method | AddRigidBodyVelocity() |
Creates a new RigidBodyVelocityTracker |
Method | AddSlidingDistance() |
Creates a new ContactSlidingDistanceTracker |
Method | AddSlidingIndication() |
Creates a new ContactSlidingIndicationTracker |
Method | AddSpringTrackerDampingForce() |
Creates a new SpringDampingForceTracker |
Method | AddSpringTrackerElasticForce() |
Creates a new SpringElasticForceTracker |
Method | AddSpringTrackerElongation() |
Creates a new SpringElongationTracker |
Method | AddSpringTrackerVelocity() |
Creates a new SpringVelocityTracker |
Method | AddStabilizationEnergy() |
Creates a new ContactStabilizationEnergyTracker |
Method | AddStiffnessEnergy() |
Creates a new StiffnessEnergyTracker |
Method | AddStrainEnergy() |
Creates a new ContactStrainEnergyTracker |
Method | AddStrainPlotTracker() |
Creates a new EquivalentElasticStrainRST Plot Tracker. |
Method | AddStressPlotTracker() |
Creates a new EquivalentStress Plot Tracker. |
Method | AddTangentialDampingStress() |
Creates a new ContactTangentialDampingStressTracker |
Method | AddTemperature() |
Creates a new TemperatureTracker |
Method | AddTemperaturePlotTracker() |
Creates a new TemperatureResult Plot Tracker. |
Method | AddTopologyDensity() |
Creates a new TopologyDensity |
Method | AddTopologyElementalDensity() |
Creates a new TopologyElementalDensity |
Method | AddTotalEnergy() |
Creates a new TotalEnergyTracker |
Method | AddTotalForceFromContactPressureX() |
Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromContactPressureXTracker |
Method | AddTotalForceFromContactPressureY() |
Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromContactPressureYTracker |
Method | AddTotalForceFromContactPressureZ() |
Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromContactPressureZTracker |
Method | AddTotalForceFromTangentialStressX() |
Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromTangentialStressXTracker |
Method | AddTotalForceFromTangentialStressY() |
Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromTangentialStressYTracker |
Method | AddTotalForceFromTangentialStressZ() |
Creates a new ContactTotalForceFromTangentialStressZTracker |
Method | AddTotalMassAverageVelocity() |
Creates a new TotalMassAverageVelocityTracker |
Method | AddVolumeLossDueToWear() |
Creates a new ContactVolumeLossDueToWearTracker |
Method | EvaluateAllContactTrackers() |
Run the EvaluateAllContactTrackers action. |
Method | GetChildren<ChildrenType>(bool, IList<ChildrenType>) |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
Method | GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory, bool, IList<IDataModelObject>) |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
Method | ImportResultTrackersFromFile(string) |
Import Result Trackers from File. |
Method | RenameBasedOnDefinition() |
Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action. |