Defines a SpotWeldGroup.
Declaration Syntax
public class SpotWeldGroup : ImportedDataModelObject, IFolderDataModelObject
Table 910: Members
Property | AngleTolerance |
Gets or sets the AngleTolerance. |
Property | Children |
Gets the list of children. |
Property | ChildrenCreationMethod |
Gets or sets the ChildrenCreationMethod. |
Property | Comments |
Gets the list of associated comments. |
Property | ConnectionBehavior |
Gets or sets the ConnectionBehavior. |
Property | DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
Property | Images |
Gets the list of associated images. |
Property | InternalObject |
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
Property | Material |
Gets or sets the Material. |
Property | NumberOfLayers |
Gets or sets the NumberOfLayers. |
Property | NumConnections |
Gets the NumConnections. |
Property | NumWeldPoints |
Gets the NumWeldPoints. |
Property | PenetrationTolerance |
Gets or sets the PenetrationTolerance. |
Property | ShellThicknessEffect |
Gets or sets the ShellThicknessEffect. |
Property | SnapToEdgeTolerance |
Gets or sets the SnapToEdgeTolerance. |
Property | SpotWeldFileName |
Gets or sets the SpotWeldFileName. |
Property | StiffnessBehavior |
Gets or sets the StiffnessBehavior. |
Property | Units |
Gets or sets the Units. |
Property | WeldRadius |
Gets or sets the WeldRadius. |
Property | WeldSearchDistance |
Gets or sets the WeldSearchDistance. |
Property | WeldType |
Gets or sets the WeldType. |
Method | AddComment() |
Creates a new child Comment. |
Method | AddImage(string) |
Creates a new child Image. If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file, if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window. |
Method | AddSpotWeldConnection() |
Creates a new child SpotWeldConnection. |
Method | ExportToFile(string) |
Exports all spot welds to user selected path. |
Method | GenerateSpotWeldConnections() |
Generate spot welds provided in the Weld input file. |
Method | GetChildren<ChildrenType>(bool, IList<ChildrenType>) |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
Method | GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory, bool, IList<IDataModelObject>) |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |