A template that is used to create a task within the project.
Declaration Syntax
public class TaskTemplate : ACTMarshalByRefObject
Table 1772: Members
Property | AboutToResetCommandName |
Gets the name of a command that will prepare to reset the container's internal data. The task can stop resetting by throwing an exception. |
Property | AvailableTransferTasks |
Gets the list of available transfer tasks that can be exposed from this task. |
Property | CanDuplicateQueryName |
Gets the name of a query that returns whether a task created from this template can be duplicated. |
Property | CanUseTransferDataQueryName |
Gets the name of a query that returns whether a use-connection can be established between a transfer task and a data task. |
Property | CleanCommandName |
Gets the name of a command that will clean the container's heavyweight output data and delete associated data files. |
Property | ComponentImageName |
Gets the name of the default image that will be used as a task icon. |
Property | ComponentPropertyDataQueryName |
Gets the name of a query that returns custom data to show in the task group properties view. |
Property | CreateAllProvidesConnectionsToNewSystem |
Gets a value indicating whether this type of task has all connections established as "provides" connections to new systems (instead of sharing). |
Property | CreatingCommandName |
Gets the name of a command which will create the container, to be inserted into a task group. |
Property | DataGroupStatusQueryName |
Gets the name of a query which will return the status of the data groups of the task's container. |
Property | DataGroupUpdateCommandName |
Gets the name of a command which will update the data groups of the task's container. |
Property | DataSourceListChangedCommandName |
Gets the name of a command which will handle input source changes for the task. |
Property | DefaultTransferName |
Gets the name given to the default outputs of the task, if they're offered as part of a transfer selection popup. |
Property | DeletingCommandName |
Gets the name of a command which will be invoked prior to deleting the container. |
Property | DesignPointReportContentCreationCommandName |
Gets the name of a command that will provide design point report content for this task. |
Property | DisplayName |
Gets the user-visible name of tasks created from this template. If the task group template gives a name for the task (TaskNames property), that takes precedence. |
Property | DontShareByDefault |
Gets a value indicating whether this type of task should be shared by default. |
Property | DuplicateGroup |
Gets the group within which tasks can potentially be replaced or duplicated. |
Property | DuplicateTaskCommandName |
Gets the name of a command that duplicates the entire task content. |
Property | EditorInitiatedRemoteUpdateInfoQueryName |
Gets the name of a query which will return all remote update info for this task that was initiated from within the addin editor. |
Property | EquivalentInputs |
Gets a list of equivalent entity types as inputs for this task. |
Property | GetEnvironmentForRsmDpUpdateQueryName |
Gets the name of a query that returns environment variables set as part of a design point update via RSM. |
Property | GetRemoteUpdateMonitorFilesQueryName |
Gets the name of a query that returns monitor files during a RSM design point update. |
Property | IncludeInPartialUpdate |
Gets a value indicating whether the task is to be included for consideration for a partial update. |
Property | InternalObject |
Gets the internal component template represented by this task template. |
Property | IsAim |
Gets a value indicating whether the template is an AIM task template. |
Property | IsDeletable |
Gets a value indicating whether this type of task and its downstream tasks can be deleted from its task group. |
Property | IsDisabled |
Gets a value indicating whether the template is a fake template for an orphaned task, where the normal template is not accessible, and so the task should be shown as disabled and no operations should be available. |
Property | IsReplaceable |
Gets a value indicating whether sharing of this type of task can be changed dynamically (i.e., from sharing to unsharing or vice versa). |
Property | IsReplaceableWithSharing |
Gets a value indicating whether sharing of this type of task can be changed dynamically, from independent task into a full-share task. This covers one of the two aspects of what IsReplaceable defines. |
Property | IsResults |
Gets a value indicating whether the task represents result data, and therefore should not be duplicated when the user invokes 'duplicate task without results'. |
Property | IsShareable |
Gets a value indicating whether one instance of this type of task can be shared by another. |
Property | Name |
Gets the task template name. |
Property | OutputTypes |
Gets a list of types which will be contained in the task after creation. |
Property | RefreshAfterPartialUpdate |
Gets a value indicating whether the downstream task should be refreshed after partial update. |
Property | RefreshCommandName |
Gets the name of a command which will refresh the task's inputs from upstream containers. |
Property | RemoteSolvePermissionsQueryName |
Gets the name of a query which will return whether the task can be part of a design point update via RSM or the Portal. |
Property | ReportContentCreationCommandName |
Gets the name of a command that will provide general report content for this task. |
Property | RequiredInputTypes |
Gets a list of types required as inputs for this task to be valid. |
Property | ResetCommandName |
Gets the name of a command that will reset the container's internal data. |
Property | ShowOptionToAlwaysBePartOfDpUpdate |
Gets a value indicating whether the user should be given the option to always update this task as part of a design point update. |
Property | Solver |
Gets the solver type in this task. If specified, this will contribute to the "solver" property of the containing task group. |
Property | SubTasks |
Gets the list of sub tasks. |
Property | SubTaskStatusQueryName |
Gets the name of a query that returns sub task states. |
Property | TaskStatusQueryName |
Gets the name of a query which will return the status of the task. |
Property | TaskTypeAbbreviation |
Gets the default name for the task. |
Property | UpdateCommandName |
Gets the name of a command which will update the container's contents, based on the upstream containers on which it depends. |
Property | ValidationCodes |
Gets the task's validation codes. |
Property | WillBePendingUponUpdateQueryName |
Gets the name of a query which will return whether the task will go into pending state upon update. |
Property | WillBeUpdatedViaRsmQueryName |
Gets the name of a query which will return whether the task will be updated via RSM or the Portal. |