Defines a OptimizationRegion.
Declaration Syntax
public class OptimizationRegion : OptimizationRegionBaseClass, IMechanicalSelectionInfo, ISelectionInfo
Table 299: Members
Property | BoundaryCondition |
Gets or sets the BoundaryCondition. |
Property | Children |
Gets the list of children. (Inherited from OptimizationRegionBaseClass.) |
Property | DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
Property | DesignRegionLocation |
Gets or sets the DesignRegionLocation. |
Property | ExclusionExtension |
Gets or sets the ExclusionExtension. |
Property | ExclusionRegionLocation |
Gets or sets the ExclusionRegionLocation. (Inherited from OptimizationRegionBaseClass.) |
Property | ExclusionScopingMethod |
Gets or sets the ExclusionScopingMethod. (Inherited from OptimizationRegionBaseClass.) |
Property | ExclusionThickness |
Gets or sets the ExclusionThickness. |
Property | HyperbolicProjection |
Gets or sets the HyperbolicProjection. |
Property | InitializationHoleSize |
Gets or sets the InitializationHoleSize. |
Property | InitializationModifierType |
Gets or sets the InitializationModifierType. |
Property | InitialVolumeFraction |
Gets or sets the InitialVolumeFraction. |
Property | InternalObject |
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
Property | LatticeMaxDensity |
Gets or sets the LatticeMaxDensity. |
Property | LatticeMinDensity |
Gets or sets the LatticeMinDensity. |
Property | LatticeSize |
Gets or sets the LatticeSize. |
Property | LatticeType |
Gets or sets the LatticeType. |
Property | MaxCumulatedDisplacementControl |
Gets or sets the MaxCumulatedDisplacementControl. (Inherited from OptimizationRegionBaseClass.) |
Property | MeshDeformationToleranceControl |
Gets or sets the MeshDeformationToleranceControl. |
Property | MorphingIterationMoveLimit |
Gets or sets the MorphingIterationMoveLimit. |
Property | MorphingTotalMeshDeformationTolerance |
Gets or sets the MorphingTotalMeshDeformationTolerance. |
Property | MorphingTotalMoveLimit |
Gets or sets the MorphingTotalMoveLimit. (Inherited from OptimizationRegionBaseClass.) |
Property | OptimizationType |
Gets or sets the OptimizationType. |
Property | PenaltyFactor |
Gets or sets the PenaltyFactor. |
Property | ShapeMoveLimitControl |
Gets or sets the ShapeMoveLimitControl. |
Method | AddExclusionRegion() |
Creates a new ExclusionRegion |
Method | GetDefinition() |
Gets the Worksheet Definition. This Definition is a list of OptimizationMaterial. |
Method | RenameBasedOnDefinition() |
Run the RenameBasedOnDefinition action. |