Defines a AMBuildSettings.
Declaration Syntax
public class AMBuildSettings : DataModelObject, IFolderDataModelObject
Table 1026: Members
Property | Absorptivity |
Gets or sets the Absorptivity. |
Property | AdditiveProcess |
Gets or sets the AdditiveProcess. |
Property | ASCParallel |
Gets or sets the ASCParallel. |
Property | ASCPerpendicular |
Gets or sets the ASCPerpendicular. |
Property | ASCVertical |
Gets or sets the ASCVertical. |
Property | BeamDiameter |
Gets or sets the BeamDiameter. |
Property | BeamPower |
Gets or sets the BeamPower. |
Property | BuildGasConvectionCoefficient |
Gets or sets the BuildGasConvectionCoefficient. |
Property | BuildGasOrPowderTemperatureType |
Gets or sets the BuildGasOrPowderTemperatureType. |
Property | BuildGasTemperature |
Gets or sets the BuildGasTemperature. |
Property | BuildMachineType |
Gets or sets the BuildMachineType. |
Property | BuildPowderConvectionCoefficient |
Gets or sets the BuildPowderConvectionCoefficient. |
Property | BuildPowderTemperature |
Gets or sets the BuildPowderTemperature. |
Property | Children |
Gets the list of children. |
Property | Comments |
Gets the list of associated comments. |
Property | CooldownGasConvectionCoefficient |
Gets or sets the CooldownGasConvectionCoefficient. |
Property | CooldownGasOrPowderTemperatureType |
Gets or sets the CooldownGasOrPowderTemperatureType. |
Property | CooldownGasTemperature |
Gets or sets the CooldownGasTemperature. |
Property | CooldownPowderConvectionCoefficient |
Gets or sets the CooldownPowderConvectionCoefficient. |
Property | CooldownPowderTemperature |
Gets or sets the CooldownPowderTemperature. |
Property | DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
Property | DepositionThickness |
Gets or sets the DepositionThickness. |
Property | DwellTime |
Gets or sets the DwellTime. |
Property | DwellTimeMultiple |
Gets or sets the DwellTimeMultiple. |
Property | Figures |
Gets the list of associated figures. |
Property | GeneratedLayerRotationAngle |
Gets or sets the GeneratedLayerRotationAngle. |
Property | GeneratedStartLayerAngle |
Gets or sets the GeneratedStartLayerAngle. |
Property | HatchSpacing |
Gets or sets the HatchSpacing. |
Property | HeatingDuration |
Gets or sets the HeatingDuration. |
Property | HeatingMethod |
Gets or sets the HeatingMethod. |
Property | Images |
Gets the list of associated images. |
Property | InherentStrain |
Gets or sets the InherentStrain. |
Property | InherentStrainDefinition |
Gets or sets the InherentStrainDefinition. |
Property | InternalObject |
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
Property | LayerHeightType |
LayerHeightType - Get/Sets the layer height type. |
Property | LayerHeightValue |
Gets or sets the LayerHeightValue. |
Property | MachineLearningModel |
Gets or sets the MachineLearningModel. |
Property | NumberOfHeatSources |
Gets or sets the NumberOfHeatSources. |
Property | PowderPropertyFactor |
Gets or sets the PowderPropertyFactor. |
Property | PreheatTemperature |
Gets or sets the PreheatTemperature. |
Property | RoomTemperature |
Gets or sets the RoomTemperature. |
Property | ScanPatternBuildFilePath |
Gets or sets the ScanPatternBuildFilePath. |
Property | ScanPatternDefinition |
Gets or sets the ScanPatternDefinition. |
Property | ScanSpeed |
Gets or sets the ScanSpeed. |
Property | ScanStripeWidth |
Gets or sets the ScanStripeWidth. |
Property | StrainScalingFactor |
Gets or sets the StrainScalingFactor. |
Property | StrainScalingFactorX |
Gets or sets the StrainScalingFactorX. |
Property | StrainScalingFactorY |
Gets or sets the StrainScalingFactorY. |
Property | StrainScalingFactorZ |
Gets or sets the StrainScalingFactorZ. |
Property | ThermalStrainMaterialModel ***OBSOLETE*** ThermalStrainMaterialModel is deprecated, please use MachineLearningModel instead. |
Gets or sets the MachineLearningModel using the deprecated ThermalStrainMaterialModel methods. |
Property | ThermalStrainMethod |
Gets or sets the ThermalStrainMethod. |
Property | ThermalStrainScalingFactor |
Gets or sets the ThermalStrainScalingFactor. |
Method | AddComment() |
Creates a new child Comment. |
Method | AddFigure() |
Creates a new child Figure. |
Method | AddImage(string) |
Creates a new child Image. If a filePath is provided, the image will be loaded from that file, if not, the image will be a screen capture of the Geometry window. |
Method | Delete() |
Run the Delete action. |
Method | GetChildren<ChildrenType>(bool, IList<ChildrenType>) |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
Method | GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory, bool, IList<IDataModelObject>) |
Gets the list of children, filtered by type. |
Method | LoadBuildSettings(string) |
Run the LoadBuildSettings action. |
Method | ResetToDefault() |
ResetToDefault - Restores default values of all properties. |
Method | SaveBuildSettings(string) |
Run the SaveBuildSettings action. |