Defines a PointMass.
Declaration Syntax
public class PointMass : GenericPointMass
Table 311: Members
Property | AppliedBy |
Gets or sets the AppliedBy. |
Property | BeamRadius |
Gets or sets the BeamRadius. |
Property | Behavior |
Gets or sets the Behavior. |
Property | Children |
Gets the list of children. (Inherited from GenericPointMass.) |
Property | Comments |
Gets the list of associated comments. (Inherited from GenericPointMass.) |
Property | CoordinateSystem |
Gets or sets the CoordinateSystem. |
Property | DataModelObjectCategory |
Gets the current DataModelObject's category. |
Property | ElementAPDLName |
Gets or sets the ElementAPDLName. |
Property | Figures |
Gets the list of associated figures. (Inherited from GenericPointMass.) |
Property | Images |
Gets the list of associated images. (Inherited from GenericPointMass.) |
Property | InternalObject |
Gets the internal object. For advanced usage only. |
Property | IsDistributedMass |
Gets the IsDistributedMass. (Inherited from GenericPointMass.) |
Property | Location |
Gets or sets the Geometry. (Inherited from GenericPointMass.) |
Property | Mass |
Gets or sets the Mass. |
Property | MassMomentOfInertiaX |
Gets or sets the MassMomentOfInertiaX. |
Property | MassMomentOfInertiaY |
Gets or sets the MassMomentOfInertiaY. |
Property | MassMomentOfInertiaZ |
Gets or sets the MassMomentOfInertiaZ. |
Property | Material |
Gets or sets the Material. |
Property | NodalCoordinateSystem |
Gets the NodalCoordinateSystem. |
Property | PinballRegion |
Gets or sets the PinballRegion. |
Property | RemotePoint |
Gets the remote point associated to the point mass. (Inherited from GenericPointMass.) |
Property | Suppressed |
Gets or sets the Suppressed. |
Property | XCoordinate |
Gets or sets the XCoordinate. |
Property | YCoordinate |
Gets or sets the YCoordinate. |
Property | ZCoordinate |
Gets or sets the ZCoordinate. |
Method | PromoteToRemotePoint() |
Run the PromoteToRemotePoint action. |